Example sentences of "[noun pl] [Wh pn] [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Native peoples who depend on the forests for their livelihoods , and animal species like the Siberian tiger , have suffered .
2 It would be difficult indeed to argue against the T & g being allowed to merge into the G M B. This organization represents peoples who work in the same type of companies , very often within the same workplaces that we work .
3 — This is an Algonkian word meaning ‘ eater of flesh ’ which this Indian group used to refer to the hunting peoples who live to the north of them .
4 However , U2 will have sorely disappointed fans who rely on the music press as their solo source of information .
5 But contrast the reaction to football fans who run through a town creating damage as they go with the reaction to university students during rag week creating similar damage .
6 THOSE of our readers who drop into a branch of W. H. Smith 's to pick up their copy of New Scientist may not have realised what hotbeds of intellectual ferment these unassuming stores can be .
7 For readers who live in the Republic of Ireland and want to book , just phone one of Butlin 's Dublin agents .
8 READERS who care for a dementia sufferer may like to know that Counsel & Care has just published a fact sheet which could be of considerable help to them .
9 Then the fortunate staff who are still employed and they 're regarded as fortunate that you 've still got a job , because that 's what the management use repeatedly to professional people like nurses , sisters and other professional organizations who work within the Health Service , you 're very lucky to have a job .
10 However , both in the home and within the huge power stations , coal is taking a hammering from environmental lobbyists who object to the depletion of fossil fuels and the atmospheric pollution caused by their use .
11 A pair of young fighters who come into the ring and fight a contest of this kind would have had the referee boxing their ears and offering such terse words as ‘ get in there and fight ’ .
12 Thousands of shoppers who disagree with the council 's stance put their names to the campaign last weekend at a number of staged events organised by many of the county 's biggest retailers .
13 The view can be frequently heard from paid workers in the CAB that volunteers are a privileged class who can not empathise with many of the clients who come to the CAB .
14 When you start in public relations , you need to meet journalists who work on the newspapers : press receptions , product launches , pubs around Fleet Street , the Press Club — there are many ways to do this .
15 Journalists who call to the farm to interview me do see us in that setting and describe it as they will but those really are only momentary glimpses into what must remain , fundamentally , my private life .
16 So each interviewer goes out hunting for informants who fit into the right boxes — or quotas .
17 It might be thought that the crime of incest which covers parties who consent in the legal sense should not extend further than serious acts of penetration .
18 The Labour and Conservative Parties who benefit from the present system have set their teeth against a change which would undermine their prospect of regularly forming a government on their own .
19 Rumour and speculation can affect the target 's and the offeror 's share prices ; upset employees , customers , suppliers and other third parties who deal with the company ; and may even force the offeror or the target to make a premature announcement .
20 There was no reason to ignore the general presumption that parties who agree to an arbitration clause should be held to their bargain .
21 In the light of this fact it seems possible to suggest that those authors who subscribe to the former view do so because in later times it would have been only in the rarest of circumstances that one would have held the kadilik after the kazaskerlik .
22 That no similar slogan has come from the car workers is important , and is tied up with the fact that ‘ the car plants for the car workers ’ makes no sense to the lads who work on the line .
23 But unlike those Marxists who conceive of the mass media as no more than relay systems working on behalf of the dominant classes , some have forcefully argued that systems of maintenance and reproduction do not necessarily operate smoothly ; there are contradictions , there is social and political dissent and there is political struggle .
24 Speakers who move to a new dialect area may , over time , adjust their speech , or " accommodate " , in the direction of the new dialect — with varying degrees of success .
25 The total ban on all vehicles including cycles will run from 10.30am to 4pm and they stressed disabled drivers who get into the area before 10.30 would be able to stay for three hours before driving out .
26 Berncia House , in Vane Terrace , Darlington , is a regular haunt of London officials from a number of ministries who come to the town on business .
27 All chintz curtains and birdcages in the windows , many of them are the homes of old railwaymen who sit by the fire , dreaming of Gresley Pacifics and Stanier Jubilees .
28 Many candidates who start at the bottom skip grades on the way up , or , perhaps because of pressure of other work , take more than a year between adjoining grades .
29 From Councillor Brereton to the Chief Constable of Lothian and Borders Police and to Wimpey Homes Holdings Ltd detailing the problems caused by teenagers who congregate at the wall leading from Baberton Mains Dell to Wester Hailes .
30 ( c ) Starling-like oxpeckers who live on the backs of large animals such as elephant , rhinoceros and cattle , in equatorial Africa .
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