Example sentences of "[noun pl] [Wh adv] you do [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 It is , therefore , vital that you stretch before and after every run and also on the days when you do n't run .
2 Allow for unexpected breaks such as days when libraries are closed , delays while materials arrive through the post , days when you do n't feel like working , etc .
3 I remember you from when I was a kid , back in the days when you do n't remember me . ’
4 In situations where you do n't feel OK you can use your Adult to prevent the feelings ‘ surfacing ’ in your overt behaviour and to control your behaviour so that it is conducted on an I 'm OK — You 're OK basis .
5 So a statement such as ‘ Lots of parents have different views about their children ’ or ‘ I wonder if there are times when you do n't totally agree with each other ? ’ may enable this to happen .
6 I think it was one of the reasons why you did n't see so many malai women with long fingernails .
7 And therefore , er our proposal is that we should adopt the figures at the bottom of the page which are actually those which the the er er , Inland Revenue have recognised in ones where you do n't have to er , put in a tax return for .. for .
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