Example sentences of "[noun pl] [am/are] up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 You know where the swings are up by the shops ?
2 For those who came in late , the essay titles are up on the first year notice board .
3 SIXTEEN contracts are up in the summer at the struggling second division club .
4 I urge my hon. Friend to keep in close touch to make sure that response times are up to the charter .
5 ‘ Meanwhile , until we know what the Kamalians are up to the more people we have on the job the better .
6 Maybe now their sugar levels are up to the right level for chitter-chatter .
7 No doubt theorists are up to the challenge presented by the new results and will come back in time with new estimates , before they declare the proton stable .
8 The association and others criticise what I describe as independent inspectors , but we can reassure them in the Bill and elsewhere by showing how powerful HMI will be in ensuring that standards are up to the required level .
9 Of course , saying that , I am assuming these instruments are up to the company 's usual standard and not just the poor man 's alternative .
10 We are always better when our backs are up against the wall and under criticism .
11 I 'm aware that our backs are up against the wall as regards time because the response is meant to be in by Friday erm I do n't think actually that this is the the paper that Vince is presenting , although in fact , surely raises issues , I do n't think it is actually response as it stands , I think it is a paper which raises items of issues for this committee to consider , I do n't think in itself it serves as a response .
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