Example sentences of "[noun pl] [am/are] [not/n't] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I enclose a photograph of the display as it appeared at the National Library of Scotland ; obviously the cases are not part of the touring display .
2 Such phenomena are not manifestations of alien technology ; rather , they are phenomena that occur naturally here on Earth .
3 You know , local authorities are n't expert in looking at company law , and the way that finances work .
4 The spiritual values are not part of the intellect .
5 Game show contestants are NOT members of hippy convoys
6 Game show contestants are NOT carriers of AIDS
7 However these considerations are not part of the remit of the panel .
8 They do not become parties to the treaty but to the Protocol , while the treaty parties are not parties to the Protocol .
9 These images are not part of the text .
10 Words are n't coins in your pocket .
11 As most bilingual students studying subjects are not beginners in English this experience more truly reflects their situation than does a lesson in a totally new language .
12 National Savings are not part of the composite rate tax system ( unlike building societies and banks ) in which the composite rate is deducted at source and can not be reclaimed by non-tax-payers .
13 Calories are n't baddies at this stage in children 's growth , as they provide much-needed stores of energy .
14 Flares are n't news in Dublin they 're still wearing them from that first time round .
15 Gagnon and Simon in their book Sexual Conduct have suggested that ‘ Social roles are not vehicles for the expression of sexual impulse …
16 The Committee considers that " true education " is most readily and completely available through the works of English literature , while also emphasizing its difference from mere " book learning " : " Books are not things in themselves , they are merely the instruments through which we hear the voices of those who have known life better than ourselves " .
17 But even when killed by colour-blind predators the moths are not victims of any capricious cosmic indeterminacy ; for each of their deaths is a causally determined event .
18 The numbers in square brackets are NOT part of the GIMMS command .
19 It seems , therefore , that focused patterns in real speech communities are not patterns in which all groups speak in the same way , but patterns of relatively stable differentiation within the community .
20 The reason is that , strictly speaking , some elements are not part of the basic thematic structure of the text because they are not part of the propositional meaning of the message .
21 Chapels are not improvements to coal houses .
22 ‘ Most major Old Master dealers are not members of the Art Dealers ’ Association of America ’ .
23 The Kislevites are not part of the Empire but their long standing friendship means that Empire armies often include contingents of the Tzar 's army .
24 The Wages Council order continued " and has the right to choose , without penalty , whether or not to come to work " , and , according to current interpretations of labour law , this means that casual workers are not employees at all .
25 They presuppose that the particularities of different classrooms are not determinants of teaching and learning but are incidental .
26 Usually floodplains are not veneers of alluvium explicable by lateral channel movements , but considerable thicknesses smoothing over more complex relief .
27 It would also appear that many of the people who abuse the code of these shelters are not members of the MBA , so contribute nothing to their maintenance .
28 The feelings are not part of the game .
29 Feelings are not part of the rational system of action .
30 As permutations of speed restraint measures , lower speed limits and priority changes are not part of the package being applied in new areas , they are not seen as appropriate for existing ones either .
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