Example sentences of "[noun pl] [am/are] [adv] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If the borrower happens to be another bank , then the notes are usually certificates of deposit .
2 Two things can be said about this to avoid the impression that the different tendencies are simply expressions of a ‘ national character ’ , or of the irresponsibility of entertainment against the social purposiveness of public service — though the latter explanation , if understood historically rather than morally , is not completely without foundation .
3 Over 150 states are now parties to these conventions — by far the highest number of states parties to any laws-of-war agreements .
4 Uplights are simply downlights in reverse and meant to stand on the floor .
5 Yet these two enemies are also enemies of each other , which poses a question .
6 Tests at elevated humidities are normally tests of the pack and not of the product , i.e. , the contents .
7 The bikes are just part of the endurance hardware .
8 I enclose a photograph of the display as it appeared at the National Library of Scotland ; obviously the cases are not part of the touring display .
9 The last three cases are also authority for the proposition that it is proper , though not obligatory , for the trial judge to tell the jury that , as well as going to credibility , good character is relevant when considering whether the defendant is the kind of man who is likely to have behaved in the way that the prosecution alleged .
10 In my judgment , as a matter of principle the colore officii cases are merely examples of a wider principle , viz. that where the parties are on an unequal footing so that money is paid by way of tax or other impost in pursuance of a demand by some public officer , these moneys are recoverable since the citizen is , in practice , unable to resist the payment save at the risk of breaking the law or exposing himself to penalties or other disadvantages .
11 Such phenomena are not manifestations of alien technology ; rather , they are phenomena that occur naturally here on Earth .
12 You know , local authorities are n't expert in looking at company law , and the way that finances work .
13 Volcanic bombs are just lumps of solid ( or sometimes plastic ) lava which are lobbed out of the vent , fall back to earth with a wallop , and that 's all .
14 The main point , however , is not simply that the premisses are largely matters of choice .
15 Medical malpractice law suits are now part of the American scene .
16 As far as operational details are concerned perhaps the most interesting feature is the way tour operators are usually part of larger , more diversified , groups .
17 Meetings are also part of the communication system .
18 The proposals are now part of civil law , and every year , the packaging industry will set out its plans and achievements for the previous year .
19 His houses are always monuments of excellent craftsmanship , but as one eighteenth-century critic who had seen a number of them observed , although ‘ all of them [ are ] convenient and handsome … there is a great sameness in the plans , which proves he had but little invention ’ .
20 The shallow , circular houses are about 4m in diameter .
21 The spiritual values are not part of the intellect .
22 If ideals or values are essentially statements of faith which can not be logically sustained then much of our examination will be concerned with persuasion rather than with facts in themselves .
23 Or perhaps it is that if we try to take on the identity and authority of the Weaving Mother the consequences will be severe ; our own personal weavings are only part of a much greater pattern , which we can not control or take credit for .
24 Some of them are , of course , capital cities , comparable only to London , but most of the others ( we tend to forget ) have equally been great urban centres for many hundreds of years , while Britain 's biggest cities are mostly products of the Industrial Revolution .
25 These levels or brooks are now areas of flat low-lying grassland drained by a complex system of ditches , but lying wet in winter .
26 Deltas are fundamentally features of river deposition , not marine deposition , though marine sediments may be incorporated in their fronts and intercalated with river deposits if phases of subsidence alternate with phases of delta building .
27 Some deltas are virtually continuations of the aggradation type of river floodplain ( see Chapter 9 ) .
28 The capacity rules are just part of a now long list of rules and regulations that surround university life , and make extra demands on the time and freedom of academics .
29 Newspapers and television programmes are essentially means of packaging readers and viewers ( more appropriately , consumers ) for the benefit of advertisers .
30 Game show contestants are NOT members of hippy convoys
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