Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb pp] on the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The clash of ginger on pink as a small skipper butterfly lands on petals of camp ion ; gorse pods popping in the hot sun ; small striped snails creeping out on to the wet path after a cloud burst ; soldier beetles gathered on the white umbels of wild carrot : these sights and sounds I can enjoy at my pottering leisure — whilst the hordes of laden hikers tramp by with stern faces and never a glance to left or right .
2 The series of oral papillae is separated from the 2–3 small blunt oral tentacle scales situated on the proximal edge of the adoral shields — these scales are much smaller than the oral papillae .
3 From the time that I was about eight , the Boxing Booth acted as a magnet to me and I spent a considerable time gazing in awe as the boxers paraded on the small stage outside the tent , ready to take on all corners .
4 The Druids won on the last occasion and have retained the trophy at their Henley headquarters .
5 He glanced down the codings listed on the last of the semi-opaque sheets and imprinted his authorisation .
6 Since the pomeshchiks depended on the same source — peasant produce — for their income , there was always a conflict of interest over the portion to be paid to the State .
7 His eyes glazed on the swaying barley and the two figures standing far on the edge .
8 And , like a drunk will try to focus on a stationary object to stop him turning , turning , Elisabeth planted a buddleia in her mind and watched as the purple emperors mated on the white tresses .
9 They could be used as either a deck , or through span structure , and the length of spans varied on the light truss type from 45ft to 85ft , and on the standard type , 90ft to 1 50ft .
10 Then he was crossing the road and the long ochre-coloured palace came into view with the snowflakes falling slowly in front of it to land on the roofs of the cars parked on the sloping car park in front .
11 Even then opposing fans mixed on the same terraces without the ‘ taking of ends ’ .
12 The probable trigger for the induction of LTP is the entry of Ca 2+ through NMDA channels located on the postsynaptic cell .
13 Some of the dealers clearly had their eyes cocked on the coming Biennale des Antiquaires , and were holding back their best pieces .
14 As the DCSL recalls , the IS coordinator defended the demands made on the local library on the grounds that : If we had a decent school library I would n't need to do it .
15 A collection was started whereby the silver cross and candlesticks used on the high altar could be purchased in memory of those who died .
16 I think perhaps if I just add a point to that er although we have as four nations agreed on the revised requirement there , I believe it 's true to say that development has progressed to such an extent that probably we will have the original requirement in practice , even though we 've no longer specified it .
17 Such images emblazoned on the African night !
18 When Ivan III manoeuvred to undermine the security of monastic property — before most of his Western peers embarked on the same road — he found himself unable to do so .
19 This weekend Labour and Tory strategists agreed on the worst of them : the triumphalism that crept into Labour 's Sheffield rally , a week before polling day ; the decision to push constitutional change to the top of the agenda in the final week .
20 The building was enlarged in 1911 , as seen here , to accommodate the seasonal toastrack cars used on the Circular Tour .
21 However , it claims DEC missed an opportunity to ship revenue units based on the 4000 since January and believes the 150MHz Alphas likely to be announced November 10 will be in short supply for some time .
22 Designs based on the opulent floral schemes of the 17th and 18th-century French workshops of the same names .
23 Things may have gone a bit quiet on Intel Corp 's joint venture with VLSI Technology Inc to develop chips that include iAPX-86 cores for use in handheld devices , but Intel says that the effort is quietly progressing and that early next year it expects to see manufacturers offering small , lightweight hand-held computers based on the new chips ; Intel is currently preparing fully functional samples of the chips for shipment to manufacturers in the second half .
24 Intergraph Corp , Huntsville , Alabama has wheeled out new families of its computer-aided design , manufacturing and engineering workstations and servers based on the forgotten RISC , its C400 Clipper .
25 Mori Indicates that rugs based on the traditional designs of weaving groups in other countries ( in particular the Persian town of Kashan and the Turkoman Bokharas ) were made in Pakistan .
26 It also seems fairly certain , from the seismic wave speeds and from the densities based on the polar moment of inertia , that though the outer 300 km or so very probably consist largely of common silicates this detailed composition is not the same as in the Earth 's mantle .
27 Confidence intervals and p values for relative risks were calculated by conditional exact methods based on the binomial distribution with the computer package EGRET .
28 Small doses are also the intended viewing pattern for the recently produced ‘ British Art in the 20th century ’ a video programme produced for schools based on the Royal Academy 's British Art in the 20th Century exhibition .
29 No one approached the dog : it lay in a space of its own with its head and shoulders displayed on the icy stones of the path , its hindquarters crouched in the frosty grass .
30 ‘ Well done , Tsu Ma ? ’ each said before moving on , expecting no answer ; seeing how he stood there , his arms limp at his sides , his broad chest heaving , his eyes locked on the fallen figure on the floor beneath him .
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