Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb pp] for [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For example , the spread ratio may be unity , the ratio of the contract values , the ratio of contract values adjusted for responsiveness to the general level of market prices , or the ratio of contract values weighted by some factor such as p .
2 And remember that times given for stages in guidebooks and on mountain path signposts are estimates for typical , more lightly equipped walkers .
3 Another rare work of note , an oil on linen view of Malacca ( circa 1880 ) , was executed by an anonymous Chinese artist working in the tradition of Chinese port views intended for export to the West .
4 The range of activities recommended for programmes of study is drawn up in general terms and , for the most part , gathered in clusters to enable schools to match their particular planned activities to our specifications .
5 Sparta voted for war against Athens on this occasion in her own chamber , thereby getting Samos on to the Peloponnesian League agenda ; the Corinthians voted for peace in the second , decisive meeting , composed of the whole league ( Thuc. i.40 ) .
6 Ruling out scales designed for use with non-elderly people , for inpatient populations , for administration by clinicians , for information gathering from close relatives , and any not previously validated or not sensitive to changes over time , two scales were selected from the Comprehensive Assessment and Referral Examination ( CARE ) Schedule ( Gurland et al , 1977 ) namely the Organic Brain Syndrome ( OBS ) scale and the Depression scale , the former a ten point and the latter a 30 point scale .
7 He was one of several noted British artists approached for work by John M. Gates , Director of Design to the American firm , Steuben Glass , and who visited London in the early 1950s .
8 Darlington County Court , which also covers Northallerton and Richmond , in 1991 saw 565 homes repossessed for non-payment of mortgages .
9 With a grin , Doyle said , ‘ I heard of a German bloke who kept one of our lads hidden for years after the War .
10 The watches were stopped and everyone held breath as the timekeepers turned for consultation with the track referee .
11 I was interested to see that Currie High School has been included among the schools selected for investigation of safer travel to school .
12 Other 18th-century works purchased this year included Thomas Brewer 's A Journeman [ sic ] Shoemaker 's Letter to a Certain Right Honourable [ Edinburgh ? , 1757 ] , a rare broadside , apparently unrecorded , which complains about the quality of the leather used to make the shoes intended to equip the recently raised regiments of Highlanders destined for service in the British colonies in America ; and the Letter to a Member of Parliament , Concerning the Subject Matter of the Equivalent [ London , 1719 ? ] , an extremely rare pamphlet relating to the financial background to the Act of Union between Scotland and England .
13 One reason that so few indicators can be shown is the all too frequent changes in the formulae used for allocation of elements of the GRE .
14 The financial structures of housing finance have always been confusing — with heavy subsidies hidden in mortgage tax relief — and have become more so , with , for example , tax concessions promised for investment in rented housing through business expansion schemes .
15 Labels needed for ministers about Garden Festival and also CAW organisers for this and for Newsletter .
16 During the nineteenth century the majority of the cattle of northern France were dairy breeds , whereas in central and southern areas they were draught animals used for work on smallholdings .
17 We found that differences in the methods used for analyses of cell kinetics are major causes of differences in results on whether the proliferative compartment is normal .
18 It can further be guaranteed that the unc are precisely the ( distinct ) variables used for input among the
19 It has also agreed to declassify information on pesticides approved for use before 1986 .
20 Billy Graham like all such evangelists called for people from the congregation to make an immediate decision and to come out from the crowd ; and Ramsey wrote that the call for an immediate decision had danger because the mind could be stifled in the process and this could bring a later revenge in scepticism and indifference .
21 The main speeches called for unity of the armed forces , and denounced attempts to split the Black Sea Fleet [ see p. 38732 ] .
22 During the wars with France at the turn of the nineteenth century , when the call came , more than 2,000 Highlanders volunteered for service with the colours .
23 One reason for this , rather than the use of binary data , is that it allows the file to be sent via communications channels coded for 7-bit plus parity .
24 for instance , the first Japanese cars imported for sale in the UK market were differentiate , d from much of the competition by including optional extras in the basic specification and price .
25 Also on the shelves is a pair of antique silver candlesticks bored for conversion to electricity .
26 Schools accounted for 45% of candidates but only 26% of module enrolments .
27 In Fig. 7.2 the premiums quoted for options on BP shares are as follows :
28 The DES ( 1984b ) estimate of those candidates qualified for university in 1980/81 but not in 1982/83 and who did not gain a university place in 1982/83 only 47 per cent went into public sector HE .
29 Dividing the market into languages and programming environments , application development toolkits , object-oriented database management systems , and Case tools , Ovum says sales of languages and programming environments accounted for 58% of the object-oriented market last year , development toolkits 27% , Case tools 9.3% and databases 5.7% .
30 The schools chosen for investigation by the Cambridge project team considered themselves to be ‘ responsive ’ to the interest and concerns of local audiences .
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