Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb pp] to [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 If revaluation of his security is necessary , resulting in a greater shortfall , he is to be treated as the creditors referred to in the previous paragraph .
2 The Regional Council does not accept that the effect of the opinions referred to by the appellant are ‘ informed ’ , ‘ tested– or ‘ overwhelming ’ , or that there is any need , let alone an urgent need , to find more land in advance of the Structure Plan Review .
3 Relevant income for any year of assessment , in relation to an individual is any income which arises in that year to a person resident or domiciled outside the United Kingdom and which by virtue or in consequence of the transfer or associated operations referred to in the main charging provision — s740 — can directly or indirectly be used for providing a benefit for the individual or for enabling a benefit to be provided for him .
4 The task is to generate indicators of the concepts in order to see better just what empirical relationships the phenomena pointed to by the concept of class might be .
5 I do not feel it necessary to add anything about the numerous authorities referred to in the learned arguments addressed to us , because the decision turns on a question of fact , whether the consideration for the promise is proved as pleaded .
6 But consider the phrase ‘ at the time when a person referred to in paragraph 1 becomes entitled to invoke the rules referred to in the preceding paragraph ’ .
7 Naturally , each of the cases referred to in the report by Sir Thomas Hetherington and Mr. Chalmers has been and is being investigated .
8 Some of the information provided to you will also be contained in the minutes of meetings referred to in the following paragraph .
9 And with the mind , even of humans , behaving in a habituated , instinctive fashion , many an insightful perception or suggestion is rejected out of hand by the deeply engrained , yet erroneous , patterns adhered to by the majority .
10 The dispute was about a contract for the construction of a shopping centre complex in Sydney between parties referred to as the " owner " and the " developer " .
11 The more explicit pictures referred to in the text have not been reproduced as we felt they could cause unnecessary offence to both readers and distributors
12 This , the Lower Limestone of 19th century surveyors , passes up into a thick sequence of sandstones and shales with thin limestones referred to as the Middle Limestone or ‘ Calp ’ .
13 His dark eyes directed to beyond the window where the Expo lights sparkled colourfully into the distance .
14 Those born in countries referred to as the Third World are much less likely to reach what would be considered to be old age .
15 It soon became apparent that a crucial factor was the readiness of interviewees to take up areas referred to in the questions .
16 The relevant circumstances are set out in s1(2) of that Act which states : ( 2 ) The circumstances referred to in the preceding subsection [ the extinguishment of any right of the sender to the goods ] are that the goods were sent to the recipient with a view to his acquiring them , that the recipient has no reasonable cause to believe that they were sent with a view to their being acquired for the purposes of a trade or business and has neither agreed to acquire nor agreed to return them , and either ( a ) that during the period of six months beginning with the day on which the recipient received the goods the sender did not take possession of them and the recipient did not unreasonably refuse to permit the sender to do so ; or ( b ) that not less than thirty days before the expiration of the period aforesaid the recipient gave notice to the sender in accordance with the following sub-section , and that during the period of thirty days beginning with the day on which the notice was given the sender did not take possession of the goods and the recipient did not unreasonably refuse to permit the sender to do so .
17 At the end of a full page report , the auditors conclude that ‘ because of the significance of the matters referred to in the preceding paragraphs , we are unable to form an opinion as to whether the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company and the group at 31 December 1991 and of the loss and source and application of funds of the group for the year then ended and whether the financial statements have been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 1985 ’ .
18 Because of the significance of the matters referred to in the auditors ' report , the two firms are unable to form an opinion as to whether the financial statements give a true and fair view .
19 Other matters referred to in the draft schedule include fitness for purpose , which includes liability for subsidence or heave .
20 And in determining what is suitable they must have regard to the matters referred to in the last three lines of the substituted subsection .
21 Similarly Lord Scarman said that if the dispute were connected with one of the matters referred to in the statute ( for example , terms and conditions of employment ) then ‘ it is a trade dispute , and it is immaterial whether the dispute also relates to other matters or has an extraneous , e.g. political or personal , motive .
22 Progress is also being made on the other matters referred to in the White Paper .
23 Thus s7(4) permits the court to take into account any statement in a welfare report or evidence given in respect of matters referred to in the report provided they are relevant to the question in hand .
24 Any matters referred to in the replies , which will need to be taken into account on completion — eg details of the title deeds that will be handed over , the standard requisition as to production of last receipts , a requirement that an outstanding mortgage should be discharged on or before completion , an undertaking of some sort to be given on completion — should be marked " Completion " so that when you come to prepare your completion agenda , these matters can at once be picked out , and no further lengthy perusal of the replies will be needed .
25 In the standard experiments the effect of arousal is to change the range of cues attended to by the subject , high arousal conditions thus show best memory for central information while in low arousal conditions subjects remember peripheral information best .
26 The evidence is overwhelming ; we must address crime prevention far more successfully if we are to achieve the reductions referred to by the right hon. and learned Member for Warley , West .
27 SPAIN is confident a cheaper European Fighter Aircraft ( EFA ) project on which thousands of British jobs depend will go ahead but sees production of the planes delayed to around the year 2000 , a senior defence ministry official said last night .
28 2.3 " Adjoining Property " means any neighbouring or adjoining land or premises ( excluding the remainder of the Centre ) in which the Landlord or a Group Company has a freehold or leasehold interest or in which during the Term the Landlord or a Group Company shall have acquired a freehold or leasehold interest There is no objection to this provided that the existence of any adjoining property does not have an adverse effect on the tenant 's contribution towards service charges or other costs referred to in the lease and the tenant should therefore be vigilant in this regard when amending the lease .
29 recognise the events and ideas referred to in the document .
30 Over a period of nine years it has become clear that the breeders referred to in the cup of that name do not include those operating on this side of the pond .
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