Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] the [adj] party " in BNC.

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1 On balance , the public felt that bias on both channels favoured the Conservative party and the Conservative party alone .
2 On balance , people felt the bias on both channels favoured the Conservative party and the Conservative party alone .
3 Thus only 24 black and Asian candidates represented the major parties in the general election — five fewer than in 1987 .
4 The DUP failed to achieve its goal , largely because conservatives recaptured the Unionist Party .
5 The field-grey of the Wehrmacht and a new generation of military heroes made the brown-shirted Party functionaries stand out in even more unattractive light than before the war .
6 He made no announcement until 19 October , and perhaps did not even close his own mind until no more than a week earlier , but on 3 October , the same day that the Italian attack was eventually launched , he went to Bournemouth and for the first time in seven years addressed the Conservative Party Conference .
7 How many seats did the Liberal Party win at the next election ?
8 Despite the opposition of Arthur Henderson , a series of resolutions bound the Parliamentary Party to Conference decisions and to extra-parliamentary guidance .
9 In what ways did the Nazi party attract popular support ?
10 Once Sipotai 's scouts saw the small party under Burun 's silver banner , they would forget everything else .
11 Hence the parliamentary leaders dominated the mass party , which was conceived only as a means for contesting elections .
12 Without further explanation , their escorts led the puzzled party away from their quarters .
13 Cleady the majority of working class voters saw the Labour Party as ‘ their ’ party and wished to see it remain in government , while the majority of middle class voters supported the Tories , but in neither case did the party or the ‘ class ’ have a radical and distinctive programme for the transformation of social relations in Britain .
14 The irony is that despite the scandal surrounding some of his cabinet , it is the prime minister who has in fact begun to reform the system with the support of President Scalfaro after voters abandoned the traditional parties in droves in elections last April .
15 It marked the most dramatic rift in a British political party since Ramsay MacDonald and his associates left the Labour Party fifty years earlier .
16 MIRROR Group Newspapers yesterday repeated assurances that its titles backed the Labour party — and chief executive David Montgomery 's changes at the daily newspaper .
17 However , the antipathy of Labour controlled local authorities towards the large-scale selling of council houses pushed the Conservative Party in the direction of compulsion .
18 The unions created the Labour Party .
19 Twenty-nine Labour MPs joined the new party , along with a reformist Conservative MP from East Anglia , Christopher Brocklebank-Fowler .
20 Twenty-eight Labour MPs joined the new party and two gains were recorded at by-elections .
21 When the trade unions established the Labour Party as a parliamentary voice for organised labour , they likewise established the ‘ duty to win ’ — to achieve power in Parliament and then to hang on to that power come what may , or put more bluntly , regardless of socialist principle .
22 After his narrow failure to convince the Labour party conference in 1930 , he and six other MPs left the Labour party to form the New Party , which actively campaigned on the Mosley Manifesto , a rewritten version of the memorandum .
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