Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] [to-vb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The various plans failed to restore the confidence of either foreign banks or foreign investors .
2 At an extraordinary general meeting last Thursday , Spectrum 's shareholders agreed to form a consortium , Harmony Investments , which has pledged to inject at least £600,000 into the station to cover debts estimated at £450,000 .
3 However , it was Mr Deerey who resigned after his calls failed to gain the support of the local YC executive , which included Chalmers 's brother and brother-in-law .
4 While Smart 's contemporaries failed to appreciate the sublimity of his Song to David , later critics have signally failed to agree on its construction and Smart 's own note of explanation does not quite match the case .
5 In this and other chapters we have discussed the various LEA-based and school-based strategies devised to secure the implementation of PNP .
6 She stood transfixed , with one hand out , but her fingers failed to obey the command to take the proffered bag .
7 FOR a nation which fire-bombed Hamburg and destroyed Dresden to complain when the Germans planned to celebrate the anniversary of the V2 rocket is ridiculous .
8 At the 12th annual summit meeting of the Southern African Development Co-ordination Conference ( SADCC ) in Windhoek , Namibia , on Aug. 17 , leaders of the 10 member states agreed to transform the organization into the Southern African Development Community ( SADC ) .
9 It is certainly a long way from the crowds cheering at John F. Kennedy 's ‘ Ich bin ein Berliner ’ speech in front of the Berlin Wall in 1962 to the communiqué issued after Honecker 's visit to West Germany in 1987 : ‘ both states agreed to respect the sovereignty and independence of each other in both domestic and foreign matters ’ .
10 The Efta states agreed to make a contribution to the Community budget in return for participation in the market .
11 More fundamentally , many courts failed to find a basis for the first resort approach .
12 One way contemporaries sought to curtail the influence of the Court was by securing free and frequent Parliamentary elections , and therefore electoral reform became a key element to the Country platform .
13 But the university authorities agreed to rearrange an examination to allow him to play in a Varsity rugby match at Twickenham .
14 After overnight negotiations the authorities agreed to refuel the plane and let it fly to Pakistan on condition that the remaining 38 passengers and crew would be released on arrival .
15 With hindsight it is clear that left-wing opponents planned to disrupt the meeting , for over 1,000 anti-fascists were involved in a counter-demonstration and in the systematic attempts to wreck the occasion .
16 Fieldworkers used list A as a basis and the other two as a back-up resource ; B and C were ordered in such a way that if researchers failed to record an interview at , for example , household number 4 on list A , household number 4 of lists B and C would be of a similar type in the same locale .
17 The Senate ( upper house ) rejected the key elements of the bill when giving it a first reading on March 22 , 1991 , and conciliation between the two houses failed to resolve the issue four days later .
18 But Byrnes failed to appreciate the importance of Roosevelt 's personal standing in the Kremlin ( even Stalin professed to be moved by his death ) , while his own successful experience as a horse-trading domestic politician led him to underestimate the difficulty of dealing with foreigners — and especially the Russians who shared few if any of his values and assumptions .
19 The new rules came in after Treasury solicitors agreed to settle the case of a German law student who was granted a judicial review of the Government 's refusal to reimburse EC students ' tuition fees .
20 Nor were any attempts made to supplement the grammar or lexicon .
21 It was during this period that with the cooperation of the US Occupation , parts of the bureaucracy , elected conservative politicians and private employers sought to alter the extent of labour rights in order , it was argued , to maintain internal political stability .
22 After backroom lobbying by presidential aides , the organising committee of the Congress of People 's Deputies agreed to drop a resolution that would have recommended that Mr Yeltsin should be deprived of his post of Prime Minister and the right to select his Cabinet .
23 One statement to which we take a major issue is that Dista Products failed to inform the Committee on Safety of Medicines about the way the drug behaved in the body of certain very elderly patients and that thus information was withheld from doctors for a period of 14 months from June 1981 .
24 One of the reasons found to explain the non-use of the lobon-gur solution was the lack of cooperation from the village practitioners .
25 Opponents tried to block the proposal when evidence was unearthed that an ancient village could lie beneath the original site earmarked for the jail .
26 Opponents tried to block the proposal when evidence was unearthed that an ancient village could lie beneath the original site earmarked for the jail .
27 Put another way , puritan values helped to create an audience receptive to programs for the improvement of man 's estate .
28 When the pickets tried to prevent the importation of coal into the country , or its movement into major steelworks like Port Talbot and Ravenscraig , they once more found lines of constables in their way .
29 As one , the six typewriters began clacking again , not perhaps quite so loudly as their operators strained to hear the rest of the conversation .
30 The butler seized the glass where upon the fairies tried to regain the cup but realising that they were no match for this mortal they finally abandoned the struggle and vanished , leaving the butler with the glass cup and according to a ballad by the German poet Uhland with this warning .
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