Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] went [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Gordon sat quite still for a few seconds , then uncrossed his legs and went out of the room , a room in his own house , or rather his mother 's .
2 He closed his eyes and went through in detail what he would like to do to the curly-haired tart .
3 Corbett nodded , smiled his thanks and went over to where Alexander now slouched in a half-drunken stupor .
4 Unless she cut her losses and went back to England .
5 Birkett shrugged his shoulders and went on with the fish cakes .
6 Nikos shrugged his shoulders and went on with his writing .
7 He waited another second , then shrugged his shoulders and went in through the double doors .
8 Earlier this year , in May , they voted for change , but when Noriega disavowed the election result the mass of the people shrugged their shoulders and went back to work .
9 Here , in an empty silence , he unpacked his bicycle panniers and went up to the pantry where the bulk of the xerox squatted amongst unsavoury tea-towels beside a tea-stained sink .
10 At the well they left their books and went down to the shore .
11 We Zed-bombed the barriers and went in with shielded skimmers .
12 Taskopruzade and Mecdi assign this event to the reign of Bayezid I ( 1389–1402 ) , saying that as a result of a quarrel between Molla Fenari and that sultan , the former abandoned his posts and went off to Karaman where the emir gave him a salary of 1,000 akce a day and each of his pupils 500 akce a day .
13 To her surprise he jerked to his feet and went over to the video machine and yanked the cassette out without rewinding it .
14 I drained my mess-tin , got to my feet and went out across the cobbled farmyard , under the arch , and out along the road leading to Brigade H.Q hoping that I would not be requiring the special services offered by the medics .
15 Sometimes I braved the elements and went out to the garage and thought about a hosepipe on the exhaust of the car , but I was never brave enough to face real oblivion , although when I went to bed at night , I used to refer to it as slipping into oblivion .
16 She dressed and put on her shoes and went down to Emma 's flat .
17 He supervised several Rhodes scholars , who obtained their doctorates and went on to successful careers .
18 Ellen was polishing the furniture with beeswax , but collected her cloths and went out of the room wordlessly when Paul entered , shutting the door after her .
19 Ranulf humoured him and , once they were through the Galilee Gate , handed over the promised coins and went back to the guest house .
20 During the war he sold his interest in his galleries and went off to war ; following this six-year closure he reopened the Hans Road gallery but decided not to reopen the American galleries ; it was hard enough to get the good material for one shop .
21 They left the woods and went around by the neighbouring fields — ‘ blind ’ country where the ditches and drains were all concealed in coarse , overgrown grass .
22 I stopped taking my testosterone tablets and went back on the dole again .
23 But her host 's calm demeanour as he scribbled a few notes and went on to the next call calmed her fears .
24 She gathered her pages of notes and went out into the sunlit streets .
25 King agreed with me as to Mr Gould being an entirely uneducated man — he sd when he came here [ to Sydney ] he brought verbal introductions from Sir J. to difft. individuals & went up to them & sd .
26 She picked up the first box of jars and went back to the room .
27 We visited many places and went out to dinner and went to London during that time to watch the theatre production of ‘ Cats ’ by Andrew Lloyd Web which I think is the most memorable event of that holiday ; as well as going to Canterbury Cathedral .
28 For his part in the crime he was sentenced to ten years and went down with thirteen other accomplices for a total of fifty five years and £675,000 in fines .
29 She picked her way over the scattered things and went on to the balcony .
30 In 1927 he joined the Portland Cement Company , who denied him car-racing rights but went on to be a sponsor for Golden Arrow .
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