Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] [pron] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 On the handling of the union 's finances , Wilson 's enemies attacked him with equal vituperation .
2 In line with the preference for heuristic pedagogies associated with RBL and a child-centred progressive ideology , all the proposals concerned themselves with information-handling skills of one sort or another .
3 At one time , people thought that birds transformed themselves into other creatures during the winter .
4 Yet there is also a less determinate area , in which artists devoted themselves to religious art not only , and sometimes not primarily , because this was the willed commission of their Immediate patron , but because they could identify themselves with the religious purpose of which the immediate social organization was the available manifest form .
5 In 1707 , for example , when one of the Duke of Montrose 's associates found himself in legal difficulties , he begged for his chiefs intervention , pointing out that ‘ my pursuer is laterlie marryed to a near relative of the Justice Clerks and My Lord Arnistons , which makes it more necessar Your Gr[ace] should interest your self to take it away by arbitratione ’ .
6 However , high interest rates in 1989 and 1990 brought about a sharp reduction in sales , and some of those who had already bought their houses found themselves in financial difficulty .
7 His evidence was to help place Mrs Dyer on the scaffold , as was his wife Polly 's , who testified that her mother had at times visited her with various small children who seemed to disappear overnight .
8 A typically ambiguous attitude towards foreigners manifested itself at this point .
9 The eyes lanced hers with swift rage and her pulses raced .
10 Words failed me at this last find … but not so my companions !
11 Once the original cease-fire had been put into effect in 1988 , both parties found themselves with immense tasks of reconstruction to contend with and little , apart from their battered oil-export systems , with which to finance them .
12 In 1974 23% of teenagers described themselves as daily smokers .
13 The hooded eyes surveyed her with frank appreciation mingled with amusement .
14 My history books told me about those wicked aristocrats of the nineteenth century , they used their position as landlords to force their tenants to , to vote in a certain way , to force their tenants in other words to take up a particular position on a matter of controversy .
15 I come from a fanatically rugby-conscious Welsh miner 's family ; five of my six brothers played it with some distinction .
16 The books transported her into new worlds and introduced her to amazing people who lived exciting lives .
17 Nationalist protestors from Kurdzhali arrived in Sofia ( the capital ) on Jan. 3 to petition the National Assembly , their numbers swelling on the following day to around 10,000 as supporters joined them from several parts of the country .
18 His words surprised her at first , then anger took over — an anger so intense that she was prepared to walk out of her marriage and do irreparable damage to the Royal Family .
19 The principles as civil proceedings and the topic is now run by it goes on and that mainly deals with criminal material and then one can pick it up at paragraph thirty two er seventeen when er the authors addressed themselves to civil proceedings er and that er following passage deals with effects of the civil evidence act and the relevant procedures and then moving on my Lord to er to in fact , thirty two thirty nine on page eighty hundred and twenty nine the expert has furnished the judge or jury with the necessary scientific criteria for testing the accuracy of her conclusion so that to enable the judge or jury to perform their own independent judgement by the application of these criteria to the facts proved in evidence .
20 Much as their fans loved them for all their quirks , the aesthetics and comfort of a ground did not cross the mind of many football directors .
21 His words hit her like small , sharp knives and Jenna raised her hands to claw at him , hurting inside and wanting to hurt back .
22 At Stackpoole Junction the two railwaymen put her on another train and sent her home .
23 Forest fans gave it to that slag Clough and in the long run they got a bitter reward .
24 His eyes searched hers with fierce intensity , and his lips hovered over her own .
25 No eyes beheld them for any of its windows ; no one beat a carpet or scraped a cauldron or swilled out their slops .
26 Although his groups , ‘ Tiddlers ’ , ‘ Ritz ’ , and ‘ Boys ’ , reflected increasing involvement in delinquent activities , they served the same function of enabling young people to achieve the sort of reputations and images denied them in mainstream society .
27 In their turn the Norwegians accepted him as one of themselves ; it was they who named him the ‘ father of Norwegian mountaineering ’ .
28 My parents sold it in 1985 , when my father was very ill ( he died in 1986 ) .
29 Each of these companies provided us with detailed information of their purchases , which provided the basis for our estimate of ‘ indirect ’ employment described in Section 3 .
30 Strains developed over the migration of the ‘ vyezzhye belye Kalmyki ’ to Russian territory , since the prince of the Teleuts regarded them as traitorous subjects and demanded their return .
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