Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] [prep] all [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In aggregate , substantial gross flows occurred between all zones , although an inflow to an individual ring was not necessarily from its own core or outer ring .
2 Both interactions occurred between all sorts of subatomic particle : protons , neutrons , electrons , neutrinos and all the more exotic variants of these that occur only in high-energy cosmic rays from outer space , or in experiments with highly accelerated beams of particles .
3 A terrible rushing wind tore at my hair and clothes as merciless demons appeared from all directions , faces twisted with rage , teeth bared between snarling lips , eyes shining like stars whilst flames burst out of their mouths .
4 Low pepsinogen A:C ratios occurred in all patients with hypertrophic gastropathy , in eight ( 38.1% ) with duodenal ulcer patients , in one ( 2.3% ) patient with chronic renal failure , and in five ( 35.7% ) patients on longterm omeprazole treatment .
5 The sport still claims to be the fastest-growing in Britain … and enthusiasts came from all corners of the country for the grand finale of the National Mountain Bike Championships — the quest to find the British champion .
6 The sport still claims to be the fastest-growing in Britain … and enthusiasts came from all corners of the country for the grand finale of the National Mountain Bike Championships — the quest to find the British champion .
7 She said problems for parents came in all shapes and sizes , adding that perhaps too many of them emanated from ‘ that flickering box in the corner of the living room ’ .
8 Don caster was soon the second largest railway centre in Britain and lines intersected in all directions .
9 After the shadowing , regular visits began by all advisers to observe subject teachers at work and to look into the policies and procedures of the school .
10 ( N.B. not all companies participated in all aspects of the survey either by express wish for total confidentiality or by unavailability for interview ) .
11 The filing-cabinets ran in all directions , and these were only the cards and the photographs .
12 Cries rose on all sides of her as she filled the dishes , but she worked on steadily oblivious , like some eccentric female St Francis , brooding a little about the image seen in the vicarage garden , which , although it had turned out to be only an old cloth flung over a tree stump , was an indication of the way things might go .
13 I knew that both picture books and bookshops came in all shapes and sizes , but I naively assumed we 'd simply conquer that hurdle with some stunning innovative design .
14 STATIONS came in all shapes and sizes , and served a multiplicity of functions .
15 In the main ballroom , the lights blazed from all sides and the many mirrors reflected the light a thousand-fold .
16 As we dropped down towards Gunnerside , rabbits exploded in all directions and Bill had so many to choose from he lay down confused , unable to make his mind up , looking at us pitifully as though we could make up his mind for him .
17 Tongues licked leaves into mouths where teeth grew at all angles .
18 In addition to this there are four prestigious galleries which will be used for a changing programme of exhibitions devoted to all aspects of industrial fishing addressing local , national and international topics .
19 Head-dresses flew in all directions .
20 When in 1916 , the Metropolitan Police insisted on all trams being fitted with side lamps , the remainder of the Croydon fleet had them fixed in small wooden boxes under the edge of the canopy .
21 Whatever the causes of this rapid decline in port activities — containerization , competition , labour disputes , poor management or manning practices — by 1981 the docks had to all intents and purposes closed .
22 Reports came from all sections of the church .
23 Thoughts came from all directions and collided .
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