Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [adv] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 It was a simple , but very pertinent observation and re-emphasised that over the last 18 months or so the All Blacks have been steadily squeezed in the nutcracker of their own ambition .
2 Fortunately , their gibes have fallen on deaf ears and all the more credit is due to those gentlemen who , in face of considerable discouragement , have succeeded to such a marked extent . ’
3 I looked at several texts directed at the upper half of secondary schools and roughly the same categories emerged as for social studies .
4 But had the Labour Party won the last Election they too would be facing hefty tax bills and precisely the same threat to their lavish standards of living .
5 This framework must be agreed in partnership with industry , and not just the large companies but also the many thousands of smaller companies that form such an important part of our industrial base .
6 Their hats were of different colours but almost the same shape .
7 ‘ We changed many things but exactly the same thing happened again after three laps , ’ he added .
8 Levis had zips but otherwise the same as today 's butterfly model .
9 The Australian World Champions and also the All Blacks came to South Africa fresh from the nail-biting Bledisloe Cup series having both had warm-up visits , from Scotland and Ireland respectively .
10 Indeed , as Barry Rubin has pointed out in his seminal history Paved with Good Intentions , " Tens of millions of Iranians , particularly those living in the rural villages and even the many peasants who had recently migrated to the cities , accepted these clerical proclamations as guides top proper behaviour towards their King .
11 In other words Cornwall 's electorate , three hundred and seventy two thousand , is actually more than the Highlands and the Islands and virtually the same as for Northern Ireland seats and for the West Wales seat .
12 The vendor should be encouraged to consider the practical consequences or even the many reliefs that may be available .
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