Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 There were no injuries to personnel or structural damage to the Ula installation .
2 By s. 3 of the 1986 Act the court may make a disqualification order where it appears that the person has been persistently in default in delivering returns , accounts or other documents to the Registrar of Companies .
3 Finally , there are ‘ form and routing templates ’ which present structured documents , such as order forms or help-desk requests to users and then control the way in which they are routed .
4 We always anticipated that centres would take the opportunity offered by ACDP to develop new courses — either courses in completely new areas , courses which combined related disciplines or new approaches to traditional courses .
5 He could have been a bank manager from the High Street of Twickenham , he could have sold insurance policies or slashed-price holidays to Benidorm .
6 Old-fashioned MPs , unlike the new generation who happily turn up at the annual conference , went out of their way to dream up family illnesses , unavoidable business meetings or urgent missions to Kurdistan to avoid these gatherings .
7 They saw — and no doubt often found in their own homes — that this method of buying , if properly used was a godsend to thousands of people , especially to young couples setting up their first home and families moved from old houses or furnished rooms to new estates and towns .
8 Indemnity in respect of legal liability for accidental injury to Third Parties and/or accidental damage to their property .
9 To cover your legal liability for accidental injury to third parties or accidental damage to their property .
10 Old fridges and cookers should be taken to second-hand shops or civic-amenity sites to be refurbished instead of dumped .
11 The street market is a real Aladdin 's cave of goodies where you can pick up anything from hand painted papyrus pictures or exquisite glassware to jewellery or fine rugs at ridiculous prices — if you stand your ground .
12 Recent repertoire has ranged from Beatles ' songs and American folksongs to John Rutter 's Gloria and Mozart 's Requiem .
13 As a writer of military music , with some 45 marches , songs and orchestral works to my name , I collect sums that have topped £80 but are more usually £2.50 .
14 This remains so despite regular attendance at squad sessions and strenuous visits to sunny Portugal .
15 But last night councillors approved ambitious plans by Arlington Property Developments for offices and industrial units to be built at the two sites , along with a hotel .
16 Poor Haitians use the ships to carry baskets of fruit , farm animals and other cargo to the capital from Jeremie .
17 Scrupulous and fair-minded , he was the first academic researcher to provide a rounded appreciation of the critically important contribution of itinerant preachers and non-conformist bodies to the evangelisation and enliteration of the Scottish Highlands .
18 Traditional propaganda techniques centred on the newspaper press were used on an unprecedented scale : by 1917 four chateaux were being used as hotels for journalists and influential visitors to the front in northern France .
19 Publicity for the film started badly when the American distributors flew 140 journalists and potential exhibitors to Britain .
20 Alas , none of this was achieved as by 1820 his health had begun to suffer and , despite his strong constitution , worries and constant exposure to the elements had worn it down .
21 Fergus , who had stormed castles and laid siege to fortresses and who knew the arts of infiltration as well as he knew the Twelve Books of Honour , found himself summoning every shred and every tag-end of legend and myth and lore ever whispered or recounted or imagined about the Prison .
22 Concerns are frequently raised about the accuracy of reports given by drivers and other witnesses to accidents ( e.g. Hakkert & Hauer , 1988 ; West , Elander & French , 1991 ) .
23 Anyway , there she was , a pert little fourteen-year-old following the action in her score and pointing out all the wrong notes , mistaken entries and interpretative lapses to her doting mamma .
24 He 's not in the back room somewhere , is he , feeding funds and silent approbation to the gunmen ?
25 Secondly , it is seen in a whole host of tactics and alternative strategies to the simple procedure of insisting that the sufferer goes for treatment just as he or she would do for any other disease .
26 Pictured in their boaters , and spent their ‘ special day ’ dishing up burgers and hot dogs to hungry spectators , assisted by ( centre ) and .
27 ICL Plc chose Paris for the launch of what it called its biggest ever collection of personal computers and related products yesterday : the new ErgoLite desktops and notebooks and Ergo-Pro notebook to ErgoView terminals which come with a variety of ‘ personalities ’ or emulations — no prizes for guessing that the company is pushing the new product line 's ergonomic design .
28 Increasing crime and large-scale disturbances in 1988 led to the addition of mobile units and anti-terrorist squads to the public security apparatus .
29 Domestic debt ( money owed by state industrial units and commercial enterprises to each other ) , which was seen to pose a greater problem , stood at 80,000 million yuan , repayments reaching a peak with 30,000 million yuan payable in 1990 .
30 I think that from the ivory tower of public office , secure salary , ministerial chauffeurs and cars and frequent invitations to events of interest , that they are totally out of touch with the concept and the reality of unemployment .
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