Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 With only one item per card , there is plenty of room to make notes of recipes , cooking times or whatever other information you feel would be helpful .
2 If you knew your twelve times or your two times up to twelve that would be quicker but if you do n't
3 Explicitly or implicitly the suggestion is that women are children or lunatics or whichever other company they keep .
4 Normally MAS would act for the shareholders or their appointed representatives .
5 Such sequences of vegetation change and human impact are typical of many areas and it would not be unreasonable to suggest that no area of the British Isles has been entirely free of human activities or their indirect consequences — the landscape we see today is as much an artifact of human creation as any historical site .
6 Though an individual pupil may be in his fourth-year class as far as the administration of the school goes , and as far as concerns his social activities or his out-of-school interests , the school must be prepared for him to go off and study the syllabus required for his graded tests alongside people who are not in his own year .
7 Today , using our standard Components and techniques , we can work to your plans or our own designs , to produce the most attractive and economical structures .
8 Finally , the scanner should not mess about with the image through fixed dither patterns or their various equivalents , we need to let the software do this .
9 ‘ The next step is finding a home for longer-term savings for holidays , home improvements or your first home , ’ says Amanda .
10 Or with regard to the wedding plays , silk satin cotton rags or even if the offspring would be boy lass twins triplets or what these babies were to be rocked in .
11 You may have noticed that I have not suggested any intensive practice specifically on vowels or their different combinations into diphthongs .
12 AS WITNESS the hands of the parties or their authorised signatories on the date first mentioned above .
13 AS WITNESS the hands of the parties or their authorised signatories on the date first mentioned above .
14 While the government may decide how much it wishes to spend on health care and it may seek to discourage employers from spending by changing tax incentives , the report said , the Fifth Amendment prohibits the government from ‘ barring individuals from using their own funds or their own insurance coverage to obtain appropriate medical care ’ .
15 ‘ You take men from their homes or their chosen occupations , you confine them in insalubrious conditions upon a wholly inadequate diet , you subject them to the tyranny of bosun 's mates , you expose them to unimagined perils ; what is more , you defraud them of their meagre food , pay and allowances — everything but this sacred rum of yours .
16 The anecdotes and examples chosen to add colour to strictly academic material revealed highly sexist ideas about history , the pupils ' homes or their own knowledge or interests .
17 The case for subsidy , to override or protect from the market , is characteristically made in terms of the received arts and their received forms .
18 Labour 's Ministry for the Arts and Media will encourage Britain 's arts and their associated industries , including broadcasting and the press , to develop new ideas and attract more people .
19 Her father , Paul Phipps , was an architect , also of American parentage , who influenced his daughter 's love of music and the arts and her abiding faith in the Church of Christian Science .
20 But it is also possible and not less agreeable to regard it as the gradual assumption by all the nations concerned of that larger sovereignty which can alone protect their diverse and distinctive customs and characteristics and their national traditions . ’
21 She knew from experience how , when anyone heard you were a vet , they immediately began discussing their own pets and their various problems .
22 By using clear and succinct language , the review aims to remove the mystique which surrounds many of these terms and thus to aid discussion between exporters and their professional advisers and to show that a working familiarity is open to all .
23 Down Route 6 , south of the river , over the tracks , beyond the stockyards and their rusty corsetry , their arthritic suspenders , their spinal supports .
24 Such intrusions , which rarely attain the dimensions of batholiths , are known as lopoliths and their layered structure tends to lead to the formation of series of outward-facing scarps as they are exposed by erosion .
25 Another soldier pulled her away by her legs and her long hair left blood along the floor .
26 I expected him to answer her back — there was such a passion in his music , he did n't sound like himself at all , any more than he had looked like himself yesterday — but he just struck the wires of his guitar into a discord and after that there was a beaten silence , and Doris stamped off downstairs again , talking all the way about her poor legs and her poor head .
27 ‘ Well , ’ he kissed her goodbye , ‘ I will take my beautiful legs and my useless member away and let you sleep . ’
28 He was just there , with his long legs and his smooth shoulders and his golden hair and his pride .
29 Errant husbands and their unfaithful wives , bored concubines and their casual lovers , lecherous old men and randy widows , singsong girls and libertine young sons he could see it now , spreading like the leaves and branches of a great tree , until the tree itself rotted and fell .
30 Although prejudice lessened as time went on , there would always be those who resented these foreigners and their strange ways , and who would be ready to point a finger .
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