Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [verb] off [prep] " in BNC.

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1 These artists clearly stand close to the Pioneers and are attempting to adapt black-figure to the new movement , with some success : crowded compositions , figures overlapping each other or the borders or cut off by them , vigorous drawing with rather slap dash incision ; but the elaborate fore shortenings and musculature are not much attempted and do not come off very well .
2 She crossed the bridge between the frogs and set off for the far end of the green , where the lane led up into the council estate .
3 Often there 's a lot of , that people erm do or do n't do that you , you ca n't erm go along with when people are wanting terminations of pregnancy or , or they 're thinking of leaving their husbands and going off with somebody else then you just have to listen to what they say and put the facts as you see them in front of them .
4 Then they have five days to sell the dog , make arrangements for the wife and kids and set off for Moscow 's Star City , ’ he said .
5 They watched the three girls pair off with their brothers and go off in different directions .
6 An adder had been seen ; it slowly wound its way along the track before sensing intruders and slithering off into cover .
7 Interested nurses may be invited to an informal gathering over coffee , or to a structured recruitment day addressed by speakers and rounding off with an open session devoted to local job vacancies .
8 He arrives spot on time , is introduced in 15 words and goes off at high speed .
9 But as the runners made round the left-hand bend in front of the stands and set off into the country for the first time she was joined in the lead by Run And Skip , and the company clearly put her off , for she hit the third fence hard .
10 She might as well cut her losses and take off for Phobos or Longevity , see if there was anything there , see if there was anyone that had n't flown down for carnival .
11 Having correctly spaced the members of the party at the other end of the rope , any spare rope should be coiled neatly around the leader 's shoulders and tied off with an overhand knot , ready for possible use later in the day .
12 Within minutes they had roused sleeping children from four of those homes and driven off with them into the murky winter dawn .
13 Blackbirds hopped — and paused , heads to one side , then cocked their tails and took off with much commotion to sing full-throatedly from the treetops .
14 Disconsolately , we got back into the rickshaws and set off to the next address .
15 Sharpe slammed back his heels and took off down the road as if the demons of hell were at his heels .
16 As Magee watched she tottered down the steps and wandered off down Duncannon Street in the direction of the Strand .
17 Whenever I see coloured people in Porteneil , buying souvenirs or stopping off for a snack , I hope that they will ask me something so that I can show how polite I am and prove that my reasoning is stronger than my more crass instincts , or training .
18 Taskopruzade and Mecdi assign this event to the reign of Bayezid I ( 1389–1402 ) , saying that as a result of a quarrel between Molla Fenari and that sultan , the former abandoned his posts and went off to Karaman where the emir gave him a salary of 1,000 akce a day and each of his pupils 500 akce a day .
19 Waggoner quietly got to his feet and walked off down the 17th .
20 Jezrael lurched stiffly to her feet and lumbered off at a run .
21 Then he scrambled to his feet and hared off between the trees .
22 The priest staggered to his feet and waddled off with an air of drunken disdain .
23 This she did , knocking her ball down to that stretch of fairway fronting the green before chipping to 2 feet and making off with a par .
24 While the creature sought height for another sweep Hrun scrambled to his feet and set off at a dead run for the woods at the edge of the arena .
25 There , where the sea floor suddenly drops to three thousand feet and more , they dive down to about 1400 feet and swim off in a southwest direction .
26 The best and longest-lasting tans are acquired slowly — quick tans are usually fast burns and peel off in a trice .
27 But they must beat Bristol Rovers and sign off with a flourish against Grimsby Town and Wolves .
28 Then the wind rose , fanning the few sparks left alive in the brushwood ; the fire flared into life again and gave them light to see by , and they broke apart from their terrible embraces and sprang off to blade-length and lance-length .
29 Harry Curwen , his friend and cycling companion , had a story that Father wanted to ride up a very long hill on one of their excursions but fell off near the top .
30 Apply to face and neck , leave on for 10–15 minutes and rinse off with cool water .
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