Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [prep] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 This year BMW will make about 580,000 cars and for the first time outstrip Mercedes .
2 The entrance is by a flight of steps and from the first floor .
3 What some writers now term the ‘ widening gap ’ between the rich and the poor , both within countries and between the First and the Third Worlds , might tempt us to subscribe pessimistically to the view that the countries of the Third World are passive victims of the exercise of First World hegemon countries ' power .
4 The couple begin to lead separate lives and for the first time there is public concern over the marriage .
5 There had still been nothing of that kind from John 's kidnappers and for the first time I began to have serious doubts about whether he was alive ; I began to feel less sure of it deep inside , where it mattered .
6 For 133 days in 1988 Lyle had led the US Money List , he had won the Phoenix , Greensboro and Masters titles and in the first months of 1989 he twice came second .
7 He became one of the first Conceptual artists and among the first to draw his imagery from television , movies , newspapers and advertising .
8 But much wider issues than the construction of the Finance Act 1976 have been raised in these appeals and for the first time this House has been asked to consider a detailed argument upon the extent to which reference can properly be made before a court of law in the United Kingdom to proceedings in Parliament recorded in Hansard .
9 ‘ I have been in the game as player , coach and manager for 30 years and for the first time in the last three months I can feel the adrenalin starting to flow again , ’ said Totten .
10 Then the judge suspended the sentence , placing him on probation for two years but with the first sixty days to be spent in Los Angeles County Jail .
11 This did recommend involvement of the voluntary sector on joint liaison committees and for the first time give access for voluntary agencies to make direct application to health boards without having to seek prior sponsorship from the local authority .
12 The DTI — the Department of Trade and Industry — started to check up on one or two deals and at the first whiff of them he was away on his toes .
13 As early as the summer of 1912 , the year of the Titanic and of the Suffragettes and of the first Variety Performance by Royal Command at the new Palladium Theatre , Europe was already building up its armies .
14 This commenced with the Year eight pupils and for the first time in 1991 , we will be presenting all our school leavers with a RAE which again we feel will be of a high quality .
15 Johnson Matthey 's business in the supply of both catalysts and complete engineered systems to control noxious emissions from industrial plants has benefited from the tightening of emission standards in our major markets and from the first signs of recovery from the recession .
16 Also on Jan. 8 at the weekly Monday demonstration in Leipzig protesters chanted anti-SED slogans and for the first time called for the resignation of both Modrow and Gregor Gysi ( who had replaced Egon Krenz as SED leader in December — see p. 37108 ) .
17 Now he drew himself upwards and stepped back from her , and it seemed to give her space to breathe , for she drew air into her lungs and for the first time she spoke , almost whimpering now : ‘ I …
18 It was made easier for companies to set up their own schemes and for the first time everyone would be given the right of a personal pension of their own .
19 There is an objectivity behind the subjectivity of our preferences which entitles you to recommend to me a dish which you do not choose yourself and which I have hitherto been repelled by , but may come to like if I can forget my prejudices and for the first time attend closely to the flavour .
20 They saw municipal ownership and its efficient management as a means of improving public services and as a first step towards public ownership of the entire economy , and improved administration to prevent or cure social ills .
21 Naggaroth 's dark master had perfected his evil arts over long millennia and for the first time Teclis met a foe that was his match .
22 At the end of all this I had lost about two stones and for the first time in my life , felt very nervy .
23 Tylers the Company that won the tender when Crawley District Council put it out of a bunch of gangsters and on the first of February Crawley District Council awarded under C C T their refuse contract to Tylers as the cheapest tenderer .
24 Despite these criticisms , the report stimulated initiatives based on its recommendations and in the first half of 1981 Her Majesty 's Inspectors carried out a survey of Haycocks II provision in the nine English RACs .
25 Bloody clouds of flies and biting things and humming whatsits and for the first couple of weeks you think how extraordinary , well it does n't matter getting bitten , everyone else is , except Matt with his NASA US-Govt issue personal mosquito repellent and corned-beef face-protector .
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