Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [v-ing] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It took her some time to get used to that but she got the knack of it in the end , and they spent hours together shooting at marks , or at rabbits on the Down or pigeons in the high trees at the forest edge .
2 With legs slowly turning to jelly , I skied down hard , icy snow , followed by spring snow , then slush .
3 Her eyes suddenly filling with tears , she shook her head .
4 A kiss before parting , she thought , and lifted her face , her golden-brown eyes suddenly sparkling with tears .
5 The new method involves candidates literally wrestling for power in a knockout tournament .
6 ‘ He was looking at me with his eyes just flickering with fear .
7 I shouted , my legs still shaking with fright .
8 For the thousands of fans still listening to Stones records today , it 's enough to know Brian Jones ' music .
9 There were so many loose ends , so many clients still waiting for attention , and she could not let them down .
10 For a while Sheila Williams sat quite motionless , her large , brown eyes gradually moistening like pavements in a sudden shower .
11 What Nicholas saw was a sweet-faced young boy , wet hair plastered across his forehead , eyes wide shining with alarm , face flushed with heat or panic .
12 Of the trade guilds , the livery companies in the cities undertook to provide all that was customary for the performance of the obsequies of their deceased members , the street processions often reflecting in size and panoply the funerals of the nobility .
13 The earlier 1pm start to Section 1 matches has virtually ruled out schoolboy cricketers , who are also denied Touche Ross Cup selection with ties now beginning at noon .
14 He did not attempt the removal of the pyjama jacket , but suddenly stood up and began to pull the red trousers down and get them off ; and it seemed that Patrick , shifting very slightly , assisted the operation , his eyes now moving in awareness of what Marcus was doing .
15 ‘ I want to thee Thedric , ’ she moaned quietly , her lips quivering and her eyes now brimming with tears as the good Lewis laid a hand on the pristine-white plaster encasing her upper arm .
16 ‘ But you have n't told me your name ! ’ he protested , the blue eyes now dancing with amusement as he took in her affronted expression .
17 The governing body of the agency is the board of directors consisting of eleven members , all appointed by parliament , but five of them are appointed pursuant to the recommendation of the following bodies , namely : the organizations dealing with the environment , one by the trade unions , one by the employers ' organization , one by Social Security , and one by the various organizations presently dealing with state assets .
18 The court declined to adopt what it described as ‘ the geographic fiction ’ that discovery required mere acts of preparation abroad , and found the distinction between parties and non-parties equally lacking in merit as a basis for decision .
19 Unlike most of the other 2,000 pension funds then operating in America , the GM fund did not principally invest in the company 's own shares nor limit itself to fixed-income securities .
20 The most harrowing television pictures maybe coming from Somalia … but the rest of Africa is in crisis … harvests have been devaststaed … an estimnated 19 million people will need food aid in Southern Africa this year …
21 ‘ But you 're entitled , Mrs Neumann , ’ Zvi Lipsky insisted , his watery eyes almost overflowing with frustration at finding someone evidently intent on undermining his whole function as Hon. Treasurer of the Board .
22 There are eight large paintings , including a crucifixion scene and other apocalyptic subjects vaguely reminding of Stanley Spencer , and twenty smaller pictures .
23 No nuclear mock driftwood units yet sitting in Fifestone fireplaces .
24 But the famous Bongs ! will have a hollow ring for millions of soccer fans anxiously waiting for news of their teams .
25 In 1987 the Commission of the European Community produced its Green Paper on Telecommunications , this was in effect a continuation of the policies already emerging in France and Germany .
26 He was easy to talk to , never allowed any pauses in the conversation , and their paths went back far enough to allow them to spend hours just chatting about people they knew in common .
27 They do n't occur in any other plant families , and it seems almost certain that they somehow got into the pea family by cross-infection from animals , viruses perhaps acting as intermediaries .
28 Toddler walks with her had been a superhuman test of patience as she squatted by every puddle , slowly stirring the water with sticks , and picked up myriads of stones , tenderly brushing them free of earth and inserting them with infinite laboriousness into pockets already grinding with pebbles .
29 Cold , wet , tired shepherds , — trudging round at the dead of night — newborn lambs already suffering from exposure and ewes with wet coats often unable to give borderline lambs that vital warmth which makes all the difference .
30 Any such attempt will necessarily result in a segmented Community with some countries further progressing towards integration while others become satellite economies .
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