Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [adv] [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 These measures , derived from the basic data , contrasted the two groups much more clearly than did simple counts of frequency of behaviour in the original catalogue of 120 categories .
2 And banks reckon they can distribute life products much more cheaply than big insurers , which have costly and old-fashioned national sales networks .
3 Modern publications were consulted by readers much more frequently than older material : 85% of all issues were twentieth-century publications , and 42% had been published only since 1970 .
4 The pattern recognition should also be able to identify the beginnings of words much more accurately than at present , and more investigation of the efficacy of some measure of word length would be useful .
5 Meredith pressed her thighs together as tightly as she could , summoning up all her resolve .
6 And because the upper limit of a microscope 's resolving power depends on the wavelength of the waves illuminating the object under study , Sokolov suggested that an acoustic microscope should in theory be able to resolve images just as well as the standard optical system .
7 In general , too , rhythmic and temporal features of speech are ignored in transcriptions ; the rhythmic structure which appears to bind some groups of words more closely together than others , and the speeding up and slowing down of the overall pace of speech relative to the speaker 's normal pace in a given speech situation , are such complex variables that we have very little idea how they are exploited in speech and to what effect ( but , cf.
8 In the United States , the frame rate is 15 frames per second because the domestic electricity supply pulses slightly more rapidly than in Europe .
9 The Government has invested £1.1m to make CD-Rom technology available in schools and apart from being available in many North-East schools our CD-Rom is widely used in schools as far afield as St Albans and London .
10 ‘ It could be defined more as a jazz-funk fusion , drawing from influences as far apart as Miles Davis and Parliament .
11 The worst hit areas were in North Wales , the north west and the Midlands , although no-one 's been hurt in the mini quake which was felt in districts as far apart as Devon and Scotland .
12 The remainder of the seedlings have been taken to good garden homes as far apart as Tresco on the Isles of Scilly and the Isle of Bute in the north .
13 Diana felt a debt of gratitude to the woman who had been so kind to her during that first traumatic public engagement eighteen months before as well as an empathy with someone who , like her , had come into the royal world from the outside .
14 Parties of up to 23 have been involved and , in general Avocets , are now likely to be met in small parties quite as often as singly in the county .
15 Although police remove the illegally-parked cars almost as fast as they are abandoned , the local body responsible for administering parking is insisting that someone pay the hefty excess charges incurred by the prolonged presence of other cars in legal spaces .
16 Armies of monkeys marching through the jungle roof on swinging arms took fright , too , when they saw the little file of humans and they fled chattering through the upper branches almost as speedily as the birds .
17 Some have fleshy whiskers half as long as their bodies which they project forward and wave about , like a blind person with a stick .
18 Gases are offensive , smells are offensive , grit and dust penetrate houses just as surely as toxic vapours and car fumes .
19 Bath had a good long look at the videos and soon saw that little variations of this move could break opposition defences just as easily as the blasting back-row scrum moves with which Australia had devastated England when they so mistakenly toured Australia last year .
20 That 's despite new evidence that people in their seventies or eighties can recover from operations just as well as the young .
21 Subjects woken during an REM burst have been shown by S. Molinari and David Foulkes to report highly vivid visual experiences much more frequently than when woken from periods of REM " quiescence " .
22 Consistent with this , the homologous Vmw175 DNA binding domain , and also intact Vmw175 , recognize the gene 62 binding sites much less efficiently than the 140k DNA binding domain .
23 Nevertheless mortality had begun to fall in most Western countries only slightly later than in Britain , almost irrespective of the degree to which they had industrialized their economies , and with a similar diminution of particular causes of death ( Preston 1975 , 1976 ) .
24 Benjaminian allegory functions perhaps as crucially as supplement as it does as ‘ criticism ’ .
25 Hilton clearly attached great importance to this apostolate : he tells his nun that she will meet God in her visitors just as surely as in the solitude of her cell .
26 The Profitboss can hire cleaners just as cheaply as a subcontractor , and they 'll take more pride in identifying with him and the company than with some boss once removed .
27 There is no doubt that their super-sensitive barbules detect our lines just as easily as they detect food , but , fortunately for us , they usually accept our offerings in spite of the obvious danger they have felt , though the same danger compels them to take the bait ‘ hit-and-run ’ style .
28 Only later was this amended to allow the return of Yugoslavs home so long as they went willingly .
29 This consisted of an index ( with a score of 75 or below ) which combined relative per capita income and relative unemployment levels , and was an attempt to redefine the assisted areas more narrowly so as to direct funds to those areas most in need .
30 Such enterprises now account for more than 60 per cent of industrial employment in countries as far apart as Ghana and Tanzania ; more than half of them are located in small towns and villages , and the extended family is their most important source of labour ; they contribute at least a quarter of total manufacturing output ; and typically they employ between one and ten workers .
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