Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 Let us now turn to one of the definitions most favoured in the literature , albeit mostly in an implicit form .
2 It might finally be observed that in its short life , Article 100A , which derogates from Article 100 by allowing the Council to act by qualified majority in co-operation with the European Parliament in order to complete the internal market , has already been used to anticipate new competences expressly recognized in the Maastricht amendments : two of these relate to the encouragement of ‘ trans-European networks ’ and measures in the sphere of energy , yet Article 100A had already been used to enact Council Directive 90/547 on the transit of electricity through transmission grids and Council Directive 91/287 on the transit of natural gas through grids .
3 The gradual extension of the state 's role in crime control certainly affected some sorts of crime , particularly property crime , but government institutions rarely worked in the ways intended by higher officials .
4 Part II of the Act extends and modernises the system of controls on processions and meetings hitherto found in the Public Order Act 1936 and miscellaneous pieces of local legislation .
5 Roads much traversed in the Civil War or in the invasion of Poland , like those of Belorussia , deteriorated from use by military vehicles .
6 Therefore we can assume that there are 3 minor pentatonic scales all found in the key of G Major : ie. A , B and E minor pentatonics .
7 In Wiltshire , after the declaration of the Forest bounds at the Salisbury Forest Eyre in 1330 , scattered areas of demesne lands and woods alone remained in the forest : Savernake was reduced from an estimated ninety-eight square miles to a mere thirteen , and by 1331 the forest of Chute in that county had been ‘ almost disafforested ’ .
8 When painting Cornish scenes Minton had been aware of the precedent set by Christopher Wood and The Times rightly saw in The Harbour an attempt to translate a Christopher Wood theme ‘ into the tragic idiom of modern painters ’ .
9 They ca n't even pick up just the words that are English words only pronounced in the Orcadian way .
10 's sister is an electrician at the factory and they have three brothers all qualified in the same job .
11 It has also been pointed out previously that coordinate singularities necessarily occur in the regions II and III that contain the approaching waves .
12 I am referring , of course , to the fact that birds ' knees apparently bend in the opposite direction to ours — they appear to lift their legs backwards in contrast to our forward movement ( Figure 5 ) .
13 Taking the early references to the Franks together with their origin legends , it seems that we are dealing with a confederacy of peoples long settled in the region of the lower Rhine , and in the river valleys to the east , as far as the Elbe and the Main .
14 No doubt a great deal eventually comes to rest in the deep ocean basins , hut these are not environments much represented in the stratigraphical record of the continents , which have been our main preoccupation .
15 A first pass program keeps a record of available head and tail strings of words already stored in the dawg , and produces a list of transitions between the nodes , or states of the dawg .
16 Other vessels already anchored in the location awaited their arrival .
17 That such high quality was possible was due in part to experienced craftsmen being imported from other Habsburg lands but even more important was the nucleus of craftsmen already based in the Italian quarter , from the period of Rudolf II .
18 There was a great noise of shuffling boots and dropped books , and the readers already established in the outer room looked up and clicked disapproval with their tongues .
19 Yet questions remain about those many schools still locked in the traditional relationship of ‘ casual acquaintances ’ or ‘ bureaucrat and claimant ’ discussed earlier .
20 This spontaneous buzz was more plausible than , for instance , the tape recordings contemporaneously played in the background at DPR Futures to give clients an impression of a busy dealing room .
21 of songs once sunk in the tunnels
22 Their successors still stand in the middle distance .
23 Most threatened animals still live in the wild where their chances of surviving at all depend on their habitat .
24 In this short book it is not , of course , intended to provide a complete treatment of these themes , and readers more experienced in the subject will be aware that little space has been given , for example , to the potential of documentary sources or modern methods of study using computers and advanced statistical methods .
25 The Scots still threaten in the north whilst in Europe great alliances are formed which leave England isolated .
26 ( Two other candidates also stood in the first round : Mahmud Othman and Othman Abd al-Aziz . )
27 Animals also feature in the new book from one of our best children 's illustrators , Pat Hitchins .
28 His hands were thrust deep in his pockets , his shoulders slightly hunched in the breeze , a man looking after his home .
29 These traders often work in the open air .
30 The broken bricks now lie in the living room .
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