Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [verb] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 The authors usually use the first method .
2 Airships also began the first regular transatlantic services .
3 Indeed IBM was ready with a fulsome endorsement of OSI , pointing out that it was already developing OSI software in both Europe and California ; OSI research was already under way at IBM 's European Networking Center at Heidelberg , and various IBM products already supported the first five of OSI 's seven layers .
4 THE vote that gave the Democrats the White House and is expected to give them their tightest grip on Congress in decades also saw the first black woman elected to the Senate .
5 The Court of Appeals expressly rejected the first resort cases as not well reasoned , and as giving an advantage to foreign litigants .
6 On 8 January 1959 he was officially inaugurated and two days later formed the first government of the new republic , headed by Michel Debré .
7 Many thousands of Lebanese had , like Gibran , travelled to America to escape hardship in the years immediately preceding the First World War .
8 Goleta , California-based , SmartStar Corporation , the company that years ago put the first fourth generation language interface on a relational database machine and then created the first VAX/VMS 4GL , has popped up with SmartStar Vision , a new object-oriented application development environment .
9 Duncan Heenan , who four years ago became the first chartered accountant to swim the Channel ( see ACCOUNTANCY , November 1988 , p 68 ) , is still , it seems , addicted to spending hours at a time submerged in cold , murky water .
10 Wiccans therefore break the first commandment of a group with which they wish to work ( Exodus 20:3 ) .
11 A few minutes later came the first gun-fire .
12 Entrants normally require a first degree but non-graduate aplicants who give evidence of equivalent academic capability are also considered .
13 Entrants normally require a first degree but non-graduate applicants who give evidence of comparable academic capability are also considered .
14 New figures yesterday showed the first signs of an upturn in the economy .
15 The results indicated that even three-year-olds consistently selected the first event as the cause .
16 two minutes behind came the first horse … for only the second time the wheels had won …
17 Vulcanian eruptions sometimes form the first phases of a longer eruption , when the volcano is ‘ clearing its throat ’ for the real business , and as such , there may be no new magmatic material involved , and all the material that is showered up as ash to form the ‘ cauliflower cloud ’ may be merely old , cold , solid lava which was previously blocking up the throat ; if this is the case , the eruptions are sometimes called ultra-vulcanian .
18 Our programme of seminars continues , with recent events designed for centres currently piloting the first batch of general SVQs , and those interested in joining the pilot next session .
19 It may well be that all these ladies simply grabbed the first thing in the wardrobe before rushing off to court , but I somehow doubt it .
20 Our results thus provide the first direct evidence that tamoxifen does not have antioestrogenic effects on bone in postmenopausal women and indicate a possible oestrogenic effect .
21 A great number of crofters had gathered to discuss the partitioning of the good land of Green Hill but the Duke 's factor and the police arbitrarily apprehended the first eight to hand .
22 SIX mums and their 18 babies yesterday attended the first meeting of a help group set up in Nottingham for mothers of triplets .
23 For many couples children clearly remain the first consideration .
24 And while holidaymakers are whipped up to almost frenzied levels of opportunistic greed by guidebooks which insist that real travellers never pay the first price they are quoted , few have any prospect of coming out of a deal better than the merchant who initiated it .
25 Wasps jointly lead the First Division with Harlequins and Bristol , who meet today , and Bath , Saracens and Gloucester .
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