Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [verb] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 To Methodists the talk of collectivism remained largely a political debate because , despite their numerous schisms , all five Methodist connexions had strong central authorities much envied by some Baptists and Congregationalists .
2 This , together with the fact that the flow has a negative divergence , — a- b -1 , implies that all trajectories eventually tend towards some bounded set A with zero volume .
3 A singing lesson where the class intoned a version of ‘ Bobby Shaftoe ’ with words apparently modified by some early missionary ;
4 Steps already taken by some manufacturers to phase out animal testing were welcome , as was the EC 's encouragement for the development of alternative tests .
5 So landowners , from the king down to relatively small provincial lords , founded boroughs right and left , especially where they saw merchants and traders already congregating at some convenient spot — near the protection of a castle or an abbey , which were considerable markets also , at some important river-crossing , and so on .
6 Please have a think you know have a think about some of the things have a look out if you get out anywhere tonight watching people when they 're together just watch them any ideas that you have tomorrow we 'll start off with the first ten minutes just going over some of the things we talked about this evening .
7 And once one child in the street is offered a place , other parents naturally feel under some pressure to put their children into school too , for fear that they might fall behind educationally .
8 Models nevertheless existed in some parts of Europe and variation has been explained by the use of forms of the lost-wax or -lead process ( Capelle and Vierck 1975 ; Vierck 1976 ; Arrhenius 1973 ; 1975 ; Dickinson 1982 , pp. 21–2 ) .
9 Local arrangements for this may vary , and good models already operate in some areas .
10 Fresh vegetable soups also feature on some menus — but delicious as they are you should try to limit those made with cream ( such as lettuce and asparagus ) .
11 In S/Z Barthes is not suggesting that literary texts implicitly refer to some transcendent model : literary texts can only cross-refer to each other .
12 At the time of his controversial dismissal from Manchester United , the News Of The World revealed that a team of private detectives , hired by a group of businessmen closely linked to some of the club 's directors , had been pursuing The Doc for nearly two years .
13 Paranormal experiences never happen to some people .
14 Charlie Chaplin 's well-known film Modern Times portrayed work in modern mass-production factories as devoid of all skill or satisfaction , with workers merely cogs in some vast machine totally outside their control .
15 The case lasted 100 days , required the attendance of many witnesses from abroad , and the defendant 's legal costs alone amounted to some £400,000 .
16 He had told a self-regarding tale of secret arms stores , battle plans for if the Catholics should ever pervert the British government into some dreadful sell-out of the Protestants , a scheme of dirty tricks clandestinely organised by some of the highest in the land .
17 Quadrupling the number of academics in 15 years inevitably led to some appointments of people ‘ not of the first rank ’ , as some politely express themselves .
18 There are now about 350,000 voluntary groups in Britain — and personal donations to charities now amount to some £5,000 million a year .
19 Aoun 's troops immediately withdrew from some of the positions they had gained , and a ceasefire was called .
20 The Social Fund has been successfully introduced without all the problems nervously predicted by some of the experts .
21 I was even aware that they were leaving , but the interpretation of all their actions only filtered through some while later .
22 One of the Ayrshire families finally talked to some journalists in April 1991 , some ten months after their four children had been removed .
23 The distinctive tone of the old Conservative party was set by the land : even those who did not belong to great landed families still believed in some romantic notion of the spiritual strength of England 's green and pleasant land .
24 Passengers in the early days of air travel had to be courageous and long suffering — qualities still needed at some airports today .
25 With the soft detergents now in use , this trouble is not so bad as it was a few years ago , but appreciable quantities still get into some rivers , even though the bulk is removed in sewage-purification treatment .
26 Service providers would do well to reflect on the evidence presented that common patterns of targeting resources actually discriminate against some of the most heavily involved carers in respect of certain services , and certainly do not lead to higher levels of support for them overall .
27 The first ornamental ware to be developed by Josiah Wedgwood in 1768 was Black Basalt , a result of many experiments to improve the rather crude ‘ Egyptian Black ’ wares already made by some Staffordshire potters .
28 They will in most cases lead to brain damage , or a range of specific physical abnormalities usually identified as some form of ‘ syndrome ’ .
29 This is more problematic , since threats generally refer to some future contingency rather than the present , and the section requires belief that violence ‘ will be used ’ The Court of Appeal certified that a point of law of general public importance was involved in the question whether an offence under section 5 can be committed by a person who is already breaching the peace by the acts complained of .
30 Useful non-metallic materials often work by some combination of the two .
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