Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For decades during the twentieth century it was heresy to give any credit to the ideas of Alfred Wegener ( 1880–1930 ) , and others before him , that the continents slowly moved in different directions over the surface of the globe .
2 Although recorded annually there is no regular winter population , and birds rarely remain for more than a few days except in severe winters , when considerable influxes occur .
3 In about half of all cases hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is familial , the remaining cases presumably arising from sporadic mutation .
4 However , none of them has been found in an archaeological context and they have aroused considerable suspicion : they could be relatively modern copies loosely based on Italic originals ; they could be genuine prehistoric imports ; or they could be perfectly genuine figures brought to Britain relatively recently as curios and since discarded or lost .
5 Finally , Portes suggests that in the struggle , the groups rarely come into direct confrontation with the dominant class , but usually with members of the bureaucratic-technical class who staff the agencies of the state ( Portes 1985 ) .
6 Tau-Taus , together with textiles and carved panels , are amongst the Toraja 's artistic products most coveted by ethnographic collectors .
7 Daffodils , crocus and hyacinth are the blooms most associated with this time , yet even in these three species there is great variety .
8 Percentages are based on a total of 46,652 solicitors altogether working in private practice .
9 This suggests that a high degree of practice of a specific task in the situation where it is needed can lead to success , but whether such skills so acquired in one situation are transferable to others is a contentious point .
10 The eye-witness accounts of what happened in those few minutes naturally vary in many details , but one of the most reliable descriptions of the actual eruption of the cloud was that of Monsieur Roger Arnoux , a member of the Astronomical Society of France , who was observing from a vantage point well above and away from the town .
11 However , it is clear that some collocations only exist in particular inflected forms [ Schuetze , forthcoming ] .
12 To Methodists the talk of collectivism remained largely a political debate because , despite their numerous schisms , all five Methodist connexions had strong central authorities much envied by some Baptists and Congregationalists .
13 A roe deer came down into reeds opposite to munch at green stuff .
14 By these devices through traffic would be deflected onto high-capacity ‘ primary distributor ’ roads better suited to higher speeds , so that safety and environmental improvements would take place in the residential areas .
15 He was probably the most able lawyer among the benchers described by Lamb , and appeared in some important commercial cases long cited in later textbooks for the points they settle .
16 Recently , for instance , the GHI Taste Panel tucked in to ready-made Christmas cakes ( see page 107 ) , while two more GHI researchers literally went into cold storage ( -18°C ) to test out the thermal properties of the vests featured on page 105 .
17 In such industries the products literally flow from one process to the next , but , unlike in the mass production of individual products , this process is continuous for weeks or months on end .
18 It seems all the more of a waste if those long , cold hours only result in stale fish .
19 Triadic harmony , which may have originated in oral practice ( improvised parallel singing ) , was for good reasons highly developed in notated music but remains fundamental to most recorded music .
20 Voluntary organisations in many cases became the effective agents of enforcement , as well as pressure groups constantly campaigning for further intervention , and here they became quasi-state apparatuses , a pattern which had a long history .
21 Dimples mischievously collide with each other at odd places around his face as he glances at me and wonders how on earth I could ask a question that is so dumb and yet so fundamental .
22 Island-hopping by coconut timber dhotis is the way the natives travel ; for guests to the Maldives this opens up a world of coves gently lapped by crystal-clear waters , underwater coral mazes and watersporting opportunities — alternatives to basking on the shores of an isolated stretch of sand .
23 Fortunately the two groups only met at one session .
24 As our plans only allowed for one day on Mykines , we made the hølmur our main target , and after leaving our things in the empty house in which we had arranged to spend the night , we set off to follow the steep cliff path which leads to the bridge .
25 Lord Barnett said : ’ The 1974-79 Labour Government had a difficult economic and financial task rendered impossible by pledges foolishly made without any serious thought as to where the money would come from .
26 SCHOOLCHILDREN in a pit village are experiencing first hand the Victorian values much loved by certain politicians .
27 Where else can you find skaters gracefully gliding over frozen canals in the winter and on those same canals see tourist boats and water bikes gently sailing past historic gabled houses and under attractive curved bridges in the summer ?
28 The ornaments recovered from Neolithic cemeteries in the Rhine and Danube basins show that the shells most favoured for personal adornment were those of the mussel Spondylus gaederopus from which were fashioned necklaces , pendants and bracelets .
29 The parties eventually separated on 14 March 1992 , again very recently , and the mother left without the children , having found another man and formed another and very recent relationship .
30 In a war , however , the two considerations arguably tug in opposite directions .
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