Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adj] of the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That the provision of egalitarian welfare was also implicitly a means of social control emerges clearly : ‘ The Peruvian government knew how to hold in check passions destructive of the social order and to prevent the revival of primitive anarchy .
2 There is little danger from a Lionfish to yourself , so long as you keep your fingers clear of the venomous spines .
3 The seven leaders , who also included Banana rider Ben Luckwell , were five minutes clear of the main field and Kovar , who had started the day in 17th place 3mins 8secs down on Lillywhite , looked set to turn the race upside down .
4 The exterior has a fine , grouped massing of domes typical of the late Byzantine period and the brick decoration is rich and of high standard .
5 The exterior had a magnificent ‘ west end ’ — two fine baroque towers bearing murals illustrative of the early history of California flanking a wide arch protecting stained-glass windows within .
6 It had sat trembling in his hand , its brown eyes full of the same terror he saw now in Ann 's .
7 On these are to be inscribed words reminiscent of the Ten Commandments , beginning with a new commandment not to make ‘ molten gods ’ ( 34.1–28 ) .
8 I am writing to make readers aware of the registered charity .
9 The latter will be more likely to develop activity patterns typical of the middle class nationally ( Thorns 1968 ) .
10 On the work-surface , several well-defined areas clear of the ubiquitous dust showed where items had been removed for further examination .
11 Which he did , a good two feet clear of the gaping open ditch which lay on the blind side of the hedge .
12 It was now easy to wriggle his feet free of the clinging mess .
13 Though they serve as parent representatives they are unlikely to be representative parents typical of the average parent at the school so they need to be encouraged to become involved in as many of the schools activities as possible , not only to gauge parental feelings and attitudes but energetically to engage in identifying ways of improving the school 's performance .
14 Registers tend to be filled in , often to a pattern , sometimes in advance , whereas actual attendance , particularly in rural areas may be far more sporadic than indicated , while in certain communities ( as with nomads such as the Kenya Turkana or Moslem communities suspicious of the corrupting influence of western schools on their children ) it is not uncommon to find considerable numbers of pupils who are on the roll , but attend sporadically and unwillingly .
15 Of more immediate relevance to the present case the European Court of Human Rights has held in Lingens v. Austria ( 1986 ) 8 E.H.R.R. 407 that the prosecution and conviction , under the Austrian law of criminal defamation , of a magazine publisher in Vienna for printing two articles critical of the Austrian Chancellor was a violation of article 10 .
16 The distinguished critic of imperialism , E.D. Morel , wrote after a visit to Nigeria in 1910 that the administration of the North was a ‘ tour de force ’ and revealed that , ‘ with all her faults , Britain does still breed sons worthy of the highest traditions of the race ’ .
17 Although written with unquestioned partisan commitment to the WEA , the letter reflected some of the fundamental weaknesses redolent of the earlier dissatisfaction which had prompted Mansbridge to write his historic articles in the University Extension Journal in 1903 .
18 Kevin McNamara 's gauche exile 's nationalism is light years adrift of the post-nationalist Ireland symbolised by President Mary Robinson .
19 It is sometimes said that judges are entitled to make extrajudicial statements critical of the existing law and advocating reform .
20 Modigliani painted him in tiny brush strokes of colours reminiscent of the Divisionist style , in vibrant reds and blues , as if he was celebrating a return to the colours of the spectrum .
21 There is a sense in which scientific management is concerned with a way of thinking about organisations irrespective of the individual prescriptions of individual writers and researchers .
22 The central question I want to use as a peg on which to hang various theories is , ‘ Why are so few Christians aware of the direct threat of modernity to the Christian church ? ’
23 It is much more likely that the distribution of state benefits will occur through narrow informal political networks supportive of the ruling central coalition .
24 Ministerial despotism could not be profitably run by clerical reactionaries ignorant of the financial world .
25 Most can operate at illumination levels down to 10 lux or less — the equivalent of candle-light — and it is a fact that video can be shot in almost any conditions short of the proverbial coal cellar at midnight .
26 Many local authorities are millions of pounds short of the necessary resources .
27 Her subjects include flower studies reminiscent of the turn-of-the-century glass of the American John La Farge ; a panel , in English pastoral palette , inspired by a poem by Edward Thomas ; and an ambitious , innovative panel , of explosive imagery and energy , entitled A Dream of Kristallnacht — or they thought they were Germans .
28 By that report the guardian ad litem recommended that a residence order be made in favour of the father and her report contained passages critical of the local authority .
29 The company was enjoying a phase during which new products were constantly being introduced so that in January 1981 , partly to keep customers aware of the ever-expanding range and also to enlarge the buying circle , the company initiated twice yearly catalogues .
30 One of the aims of 1992 National Breastfeeding Week ( May 18–24 ) is to make schoolkids aware of the natural method of feeding babies by asking them to design a poster .
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