Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adj] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Since it acquired Tace Plc and Goring Kerr Plc in 1991 , it has focussed less and less on its former core defence activities due to the near collapse of the defence industry .
2 That the provision of egalitarian welfare was also implicitly a means of social control emerges clearly : ‘ The Peruvian government knew how to hold in check passions destructive of the social order and to prevent the revival of primitive anarchy .
3 One major factor acted to contain the divisive tendencies inherent in the prevailing group orientation .
4 He looked down and saw he had battered his fingers bloody against the wooden lid .
5 After 3 minutes pre-incubation at the appropriate temperature , the reaction was started by the addition of ATP at a final concentration of 2mM .
6 He must prepare for payment all accounts due from the local authority and must in his turn , collect for the authority all sums due from time to time to the local authority particularly in regard to the collection of rates .
7 On Thursday , Murrays will offer buns iced in the three main party colours at seven of its shops in the Richmond and Darlington constituencies .
8 Perceiving more clearly than most the dangers inherent in the darkening American situation , the Barclay brothers first gave up their commission merchant business and then gradually reduced their export trade to North America .
9 To an amazing degree man has conquered the dangers inherent in the physical environment and has devised methods of protecting his family , his dwelling , his crops and his livestock .
10 If this is not done , the considerable dangers inherent in the indiscriminant use of ROI remain .
11 Here the bustle of the centre was muted , the roads narrow between the tall eighteenth-century buildings , each beautifully restored , the walls washed with shades of umber , rust and light blue .
12 It is questionable , however , whether continuity of quality and delivery were achieved in all cases due to the excessive dependency on outside subcontractors for the service , and the absence of full-time qualified trainers as salaried directors of study to monitor the performance of subcontractors .
13 Transverse dunes seem to accompany areas of increased sand cover : basically they consist of wave-like forms normal to the dominant wind and are considerably smaller than the longitudinal dunes , normal dimensions quoted by Mabbutt being wave length 50–200 m ( 160–650 ft ) and height up to 10 m ( 33 ft ) .
14 P , A and C are actual psychological states due to the three functions of the brain in recording , recalling and reliving .
15 There is little danger from a Lionfish to yourself , so long as you keep your fingers clear of the venomous spines .
16 This transformation was due first to the influx of runaway serfs into the towns which meant that labourers free from the personal ties of feudalism , but having no access to the means of production , became a dependent and exploitable group which was to become the proletariat .
17 The spiritual plane is for all the great religions inseparable from the physical and psychological ways in which it manifests itself and becomes known by us , but yet it is truly distinguishable .
18 I leaned over in my boxy suit and re-signed the credit slip , my bitten fingers shimmering over the scorched trunk .
19 The seven leaders , who also included Banana rider Ben Luckwell , were five minutes clear of the main field and Kovar , who had started the day in 17th place 3mins 8secs down on Lillywhite , looked set to turn the race upside down .
20 We should have fifteen or twenty minutes clear before the other Doyle gets back .
21 Because the Company was intended to provide an opportunity for all English merchants interested in the Indian trade to take part , it did not treat shareholdings as permanent commitments .
22 J was written by Kenneth Iverson , the original author of APL , to eradicate the various anomalies inherent in the old language .
23 Mary Daly , in Pure Lust ( 1984 ) , a polemical book subtitled ‘ Elemental Feminist Philosophy ’ which explicitly and insistently refuses to fit the usual categories of what philosophy is supposed to consist of , argues that the passions and their relation to reason must be renamed , and thus reunderstood by women if they wish to free themselves from the constrictions inherent in the male naming of them .
24 An airborne magnetic survey , which showed anomalies due to the demagnetising effects of mineralising fluids on the Whin Sill dolerite body in northern England , was used to target drilling for vein and disseminated Pb-Zn-Ba mineralisation ( Bateson and others , 1984 ) .
25 The ‘ big nine ’ sought to regain some of the major services they had lost to the counties , but were not the only districts dissatisfied with the present position .
26 That 's rather like having a King Lear spiritually emoting with an insight which may transcend any previous realisation , whilst unfortunately playing havoc with the syntax , changing and/or forgetting words , and mumbling so that certain words inaudible to the unaware onlooker can be understood only by the expert who knows the text !
27 This closer relationship incidentally increased the role of the state in most of these economies , but subjected it to the risks inherent in the political strings which the lending institutions attached to their ‘ aid ’ .
28 But any law which is capable of setting limits across the whole range of publications must acknowledge the risks inherent in the very concept of limits .
29 * The number of units of product A that can be produced will be restricted to 1,000 units due to the constrained labour hours .
30 They reflected the emergence of aspects due to the prolonged looking demanded by the method and revealed that ‘ growing up ’ to a painting , mentioned earlier , in which the discovery of more and more forms part of the process of coming to know a work .
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