Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] the time when " in BNC.

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1 Upon proof of the mortgage the court will make an order for foreclosure nisi , under which an officer of the court is directed to find what is due for principal , interest , and costs , and the mortgagor is ordered to pay within six months from the time when the amount is certified .
2 As with chimneys , so with synapses ; if they are constructed — or even reconstructed — during learning , one might expect a brief increase in the rate of synthesis of proteins over the time when an animal was being trained and memory was being formed .
3 The third is possible changes in meaning which have occurred in certain words since the time when the writing was executed and the present day .
4 But during the two years between the time when the book was first mooted and its publication in 1982 , the company had transformed itself and the book did not reflect the grander style of living which Laura was now espousing .
5 ‘ They are the ones who invited Mr Adams to address them just 500 yards from the Grand Hotel which some of us have cause to remember ; to address them less than two weeks after the time when , along the coast at Deal , 10 young musicians in the Royal Marines were foully murdered .
6 It will normally be for four weeks from the time when you start to work under the new contract .
7 ( 3 ) Unless a licence is transferred to another employee or agent within eight weeks from the time when the employee or agent named in a licence ceases to be responsible for the day to day running of the premises to which the licence relates , the licence shall cease to have effect .
8 As a rule the right is first vested in the author , and continues for fifty years after his death ; but in the case of photographs and gramophone records the original owner of the negative or plate is treated as the author , and the right lasts for fifty years from the time when the negative or plate was made .
9 In matters of this kind we are often considering a span of 15–20 years from the time when it is first apparent that an old person can not ‘ carry on as before ’ to the time of death .
10 Claims for restitution have to be made however ( a ) within three years from the time when the claimant knew or ought reasonably to have known of the location , or the identity of the possessor of the object , and ( b ) in any case within a period of thirty years from the time of the theft .
11 Where any power to revoke or determine can not be exercised within six years from the time when any particular property first becomes comprised in the settlement , the subsection does not apply to income arising under the settlement from that property , or from property representing that property , so long as the power can not be exercised .
12 The first dates back two and a half thousand years to the time when the Persians were at war with the Egyptians .
13 The important thing that we must do is look ahead 20 years to the time when those of us who are , I hope , still active in politics will be asked difficult questions .
14 One can only see such decisions , though , against the social and political conditions of the time when such a choice was made , and in the light of contemporary warfare and weaponry .
15 It is particularly significant that none of his many critical comments on the book from that period suggest any mixed feelings at the time when the book was actually being planned and written .
16 Respondents were asked to say whether they had actually received assistance from relatives at the time when their own children were born , and also to indicate whether they would turn to relatives for support in three hypothetical situations , of varying degrees of seriousness : to borrow tools or materials ; if the respondent and/or his wife were ill for a couple of days ; if illness lasted several weeks .
17 Safety is to be judged in terms of the time when the product was supplied .
18 There are two pightles in this parish , both referring to elongated pieces of land , relics of the time when such shapes were left at the edge of a field after it had been divided up for strip-cultivation .
19 Nolan , who has the requisite number of uncles and elder brothers , has treated a wide range of diseases since the time when , aged two , he cured another child of ringworm .
20 The greatest problem for the historian of late medieval population in England is that he has no reliable figure for the number of inhabitants at the time when the plague struck the country first .
21 It was not a fun place any more and doors were already slamming shut to the hundreds of young hopefuls hanging around outside the studio gates about the time when Nicholson began his search for work .
22 The line should be gradually drawn through the handler 's hands until the time when the ferret comes into close contact with a rabbit .
23 This leads us to a brief discussion of the developments within these fields since the time when the early sociologists were working .
24 The dinosaurs probably lost the race against time , having already lost bipedality and vestigial hands at the time when mammalian-type warm-bloodedness would almost certainly have guaranteed their survival into perpetuity .
25 The duty of determining such questions is cast by law , not upon the courts after the event , but upon the police authorities at the time when the decision has to be taken ; and a court which attempted to review such a decision from the point of view of its wisdom or prudence would ( I think ) be exceeding its proper functions .
26 Some say that hunting in old burned-over sites when the oak leaves first appear is a good and fruitful strategy , but others insist that morels are best collected in old apple orchards at the time when the lilacs bloom .
27 They were art students at the time when art college was the bolthole for all the drug-deranged bongo bashers , paint flingers , crappy experimental film-makers and fanny dancers who thought being a student was a great doss but they were f—ed if they were going to read any books .
28 In 1351 Edward III granted John the woodward of Raskelf a pension of 3d. a day ‘ for good service and especially because his eyes were torn out and his tongue and his fingers cut off by malefactors in the Forest of Galtres in the time when he was one of the King 's foresters there ’ .
29 Having paid the commission on the shares at the time when the options were bought , the investor is deemed to be the ‘ retrospective ’ owner of the shares so that no further commission is due .
30 In addition , the pattern of cleavage is both highly ordered and complex and there are fewer cells at the time when gastrulation begins .
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