Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] the [adj] as " in BNC.

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1 Thus the Church offered opportunities to the ambitious as well as to the devout , although it would be a mistake to regard it as an egalitarian institution .
2 Conservative Michael Fallon hit back saying his own Darlington constituency was far from being an unemployment blackspot and pointing to four pages of jobs carried in yesterday 's copies of The Northern as evidence of available vacancies .
3 Claire Rayner is someone else well acquainted with the complexities of the personal as one of Britain 's most empathetic solvers of problems .
4 This new ‘ philosophy ’ , enshrined in the 1980 Act , was to lead to increasing central-local tensions during the 1980s as central government sought to impose , and reinforce where necessary , controls over the expenditure of individual local authorities .
5 This comparative study of five representative prisons for adult males in one region of the prison system , seeks to provide benchmarks for the 1980's as to how far humane containment is achieved in the context of maintaining security and control .
6 The search for the nature of the distinctively gay sensibility can be productively redirected as an exploration of the limitations of the aesthetic as conventionally understood , especially the way it is said to transcend the socio-political , and used in support of the proposition that discrimination is the essence of culture .
7 The gifts offered no doubt included the alms of the faithful as well as bread and wine .
8 Although Charles 's own personal inclination was to refound a wide , comprehensive church able to encompass as many of the various denominations of the 1650s as possible , it was soon clear that the king would have to bow to pressure from the bishops , the conservative landowners , and their representatives in the Cavalier Parliament , who wished to see a more narrow restoration .
9 During the oral phases , extending over the first year or so of life , his main concerns involve activities like sucking , swallowing and biting ; and the nature of his oral experiences during this period will have considerable repercussions in the long as well as the short term .
10 Later chapters will try to disentangle in greater detail the effect of New Right ideas on actual Conservative health policies throughout the 1980s as one strand ( albeit an important one ) of influences in the skein of policy development .
11 Swan had no view as to the rival merits of the narrow as opposed to the wider band of the Exchange Rate Mechanism .
12 At home many Americans feared a return to the depression conditions of the 1930s as war production slowed down .
13 It rests also on the insight that income " transferred " by this means was not used only for the minimum relief of destitution , for the old , widowed , orphaned and infirm , but also for the purchase of some " decencies " , for the supplementation of the earnings of the underemployed as well as the relief of the involuntarily unemployed , and for the apprenticing of the children of the poor .
14 Then it all went wrong for Hamilton , who dropped four strokes in four holes from the 11th as the chill wind began to take its toll and Davis romped away to win by five strokes .
15 I have met wonderful doctors who really cared for their old patients , but sometimes the doctors were dismissive and rude , believing that there was little point in wasting valuable resources on the elderly as they were going to die soon anyway .
16 The year in lights on the hillside changes to the new as the ships sound their sirens and launch their pink flares .
17 I shall not necessarily take the hon. Gentleman 's figures on the disabled as being correct , but I shall certainly make inquiries of British Coal to find out what the position is , and I shall write to the hon. Gentleman .
18 He was a founder member of the PASOK socialist movement , but his maverick style earned him enemies on the Left as well as the Right .
19 It seems ironic that where , in the eighteenth century , novelists and architects alike look out of their elegant windows on to the cottages of the poor as pleasing little features in the landscape , the Victorians , for whom the dwellings of the middle class tended increasingly to set the standard , should view the great house itself from that perspective — from the outside , as the focus for a landscape , much as the eighteenth-century painters had done ( Fig. 24 ) .
20 The problem was worsened in the big city centres by the inflation of land prices from the 1860s as demand for shop , office and factory building mounted .
21 A number of Royalist prisoners from the civil wars in England and Ireland were transported to the sugar islands in the 1650s as convict labour with the prospect of eventual release to become part of the white garrison , but this barely covered the losses from death and emigration .
22 The Communists became the most active supporters of the war and were able to revive their previous connections on the Left as well as to capitalize on the rapidly increasing resentment against the pre-war Conservative Party .
23 The tendency in the historical literature has been to dismiss the number of homeworkers during the 1900s as insignificant , but the numbers of women employed in casual tasks are extremely difficult to estimate .
24 It also rejected worship of the saints and relics , pilgrimages , indulgences , and masses for the dead as futile attempts to purge the sins of the deceased or pile up merit for the living .
25 However , as is widely attested , irrespective of minimum wages , women do tend to earn less than men in the First as well as the Third World .
26 Their business now is to provide banking and financial services to the corporate as opposed to personal sectors .
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