Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The request was first submitted a number of months ago , but all attempts through the usual channels have failed .
2 Contrary to expectations , there appears to be a broad convergence of views between the two men , even on such tricky issues as Bosnia , NATO , the EC and the GATT trade talks .
3 It is only over the question of Faculty examinations and the associated ‘ grandfathering ’ provisions that there is a material divergence of views between the two bodies .
4 I have considered using the convenient two-in-one products , but have heard such conflicting views about the possible effects of these shampoo/conditioners .
5 There are nicely balanced views about the great commanders — Harris , Cochrane and Bennett — with careful avoidance of the temptation to be smart after the event .
6 Before expressing my views about the remaining issues , I think it helpful to set out shortly the general principles of law which are applicable to the Secretary of State 's decision-making process .
7 More broadly , the strategy forms a kind of palimpsest of liberal views about the subsidised arts over the past four decades .
8 This system was formalised in the year 802 , although it had been operational in early forms during the preceding years of his reign .
9 Important investments during the twelve months to June 1991 included a joint venture between US General Motors and Raba , involving a $200 million capital injection , and between Japanese Suzuki and Autoconcern , finalized in April 1991 , representing a $150 million investment .
10 There are no rough notes for the succeeding weeks , and there is no explanation of his silence .
11 In the result , it was agreed between the Commissioners and the defendant that the amount charged upon him should be reduced , and that time should be given to pay it in three instalments ; he gave three promissory notes for the three instalments ; the first was duly honoured ; the others were not , and were the subject of the present action .
12 But the zemstvos in particular rapidly expanded their activities during the ensuing decades .
13 It also highlighted a complex network of contracts between the two teams and suggested the need for clear lines of communication .
14 It is the outcome of a series of contracts between the founding shareholders : in so far as the state has a role in corporate creation it is not materially different from its role in enforcing contracts in general .
15 We can certainly agree that coal sales are dominated today by the contracts between the generating companies and British Coal .
16 During the afternoon meeting , several breaks were called to allow discussions between the various groupings to examine the three motions on the table : a strong attack on the MPs , calling on the executive not to endorse their actions ; a motion regretting their action , and the successful statement welcoming the concession wrung out of the Westminster system and pledging support for the parliamentary group .
17 This sentiment was widely echoed by representatives of other countries , many of whom expressed the belief that , if the Korean application were accepted , then the UN could provide a valuable forum for discussions between the two states .
18 Discussions between the two men led to the organisation of an important and influential summer study in African Education at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1961 ( fifty-two participants attended , including fourteen from African states , a larger number of American academics and a few British ) .
19 There will be a period of detailed discussions between the respective Divisions about the nature and level of in-house services support that the Government and Commercial Divisions will require .
20 There would be three phases of talks : first , there would be discussions between the constitutional parties in Northern Ireland , focusing on devolution and power sharing ; then meetings between the Northern Ireland parties and the Irish government in Dublin ; and finally , talks between the governments in London and Dublin .
21 The earliest continental influences came to Japan from China , either directly or via Korea , and mutual attitudes between the two countries have been shaped over 1,500 years and more .
22 Many had come to look upon their children as vehicles of social emulation ; hence they began to project their own social attitudes as the moral imperatives of childhood .
23 Florida , Spain , Paris and Amsterdam are other hot-spots for the 250,000 Britons heading abroad this Christmas , according to credit card company Access .
24 Indeed the approach in some ways resembled that of the early Russian school of soil science and involved the recognition of zonal phenomena as the direct results of latitudinal climatic belts ; of azonal phenomena arising from non-climatic control including endogenetic effects ; extrazonal phenomena which occurred beyond their normal range of occurrence such as sand dunes on coasts ; and polyzonal phenomena including those which operate in all regions of the globe subject to the same basic physical laws .
25 If the number of unstressed syllables between the stressed ones are few , then the unstressed ones tend to be prolonged ( see the sentence " The weather was awful " below ) .
26 If , on the other hand , there are many unstressed syllables between the stressed ones , then the unstressed ones are squeezed together , so that the time between the stresses is approximately the same as it was in the first example ( see the sentence " The weather we had last summer was awful " ) .
27 The same holds true when it comes to a consideration of the reasons for the individual grants made by the Romans .
28 The letter concluded with a request for a final session of the USSR Supreme Soviet in order to hand over power constitutionally , because " it is gross discontinuities , destructive revolutions and usurpations in the course of social development which are one of the reasons for the historic misfortunes of our peoples " .
29 The relationship of predictability to determinism will be discussed in Chapter 24 ; in particular reasons for the above assertions will be given in Section 24.6 .
30 There are two basic reasons for the apparent anomalies in what generally appears to be a steady expansion of the vineyard area : first , the uprooting of old , commercially non-productive vines ; and second , the decimation of large patches of vines due to natural causes like frost , hail , disease , pests , etc .
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