Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] me [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 You 're going to have the job of changing the ice-packs for me through the night , are n't you ? ’
2 Negotiations followed as a result of which M. signed a document , whereby he surrendered the lease in consideration of the landlord accepting goods , listed in an inventory made by the bailiffs , ‘ in full and final settlement of all claims and demands against me under the terms of the lease . ’
3 I hereby surrender the lease of the above premises dated 19 May 1972 in consideration of you accepting the goods set out in the inventory below in full and final settlement of all claims and demands against me under the terms of the said lease and specified in the notice of distress dated 2 March 1988 .
4 Professor Ruiperez told me I need not start my classes until I was quite recovered , and the women in the office and the library spoke friendly words to me for the first time .
5 His last words to me after the match were , ‘ Do n't worry , we 'll be promoted ’ . ’
6 In order to learn to master this sort of mismatch , simple context drills must be prepared such as the following one , in order to become accustomed to the way the word is used in German : N.B. ( to me ) indicates that it is implied in the English sentence , but not usually stated ; if stated , it would be followed by the preposition " in " , as in " Bring the books to me in the library " .
7 In the grey eyes regarding me through the steam of the coffee I saw a spark that might have been amusement .
8 ‘ Did you make sketches of me through the spy-hole when I was undressing ? ’ she asked .
9 These hands , and the crisp white shirtsleeves that lead away from them , are the only signs of me in the room .
10 There were distinct advantages for me in the relationship .
11 One of the cops behind me on the stairs put an armlock on me .
12 There was nobody in the park at that time and I walked quickly through the dew , my feet soaked before I had gone ten yards , a trail of sliding tracks behind me on the grass .
13 He arrived a few weeks before me at the Elephant and retired just a few weeks before I left the department after the 1987 general election .
14 The other nods at me from the comfort of his cracked-leather chair .
15 So unless er anyone has any direct questions for me from the meeting erm
16 Mmi Well I 'm happy , but I 'm never happy about playing Poland because it always brings back memories to me of the early seventies .
17 My whole shape changes around me in the darkness , like the radios melting into shirts .
18 ‘ Look , ’ Simon said impatiently , ‘ so far there have only been passing mentions of me in the papers , but when I become famous the media interest will soar .
19 Jo was some 10 yards behind me near the corner .
20 I think I just put up with it because he behaved in such extraordinary ways to me in the time I had known him , of showing affection at all ?
21 The results of those studies were published on 25 September , and on the same day I announced the start of a three-month public consultation period during which interested parties could make written representations to me on the contents of the reports produced by Hydrotechnica .
22 I do n't want her shouting names at me over the fence . ’
23 Dragging the pad towards him he found a clean page and wrote : Dear Harsnet , I know you never answer my letters or return my calls , and I know that you handed over your notes to me on the understanding that I could do what I liked with them and not bother you , but I have to say that while there is much in them that I admire , as I will always admire much in you , no matter what , there is also much in them that seems to me to be puerile and , to put it mildly , bigoted .
24 ( I suspect it 's his way of getting some vegetables down me considering the number of soft , plump leaves that end up in the bottom of my cup when the pot gets to be half full of the things .
25 ‘ Your promises , phone calls to me at the university …
26 Peel the patates for me for the soup , she said : and I 'll keep the pan of choux mixture for you to lick .
27 She continued : ‘ I am 70 years old but I felt I must make this sacrifice for them , even though the constraints on me in the future are very great . ’
28 He put his arms around me in the bear-hug of a joyous boy who had suddenly become a man .
29 I say ‘ Yes ’ a lot and show them some photos of me on the Etive .
30 She laid hands upon me in the name of God and I did n't mind .
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