Example sentences of "[noun pl] [art] [adj] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He said in 90 Minutes the other week that his dream is to play for a big Italian club .
2 The German star routed defending champion Wayne Ferreira of South Africa 6–3 , 6–4 in 56 minutes the fastest final since John McEnroe took four minutes longer to dispose of Kim Warwick in 1980 .
3 ‘ member states shall accord nationals of the other member states the same treatment as their own nationals as regards participation in the capital of companies or firms within the meaning of article 58 , without prejudice to the application of the other provisions of this Treaty
4 Treaty , under which member states must accord nationals of the other member states the same treatment as their own nationals as regards participation in the capital of companies or firms within the meaning of article 58 .
5 I learned from local hoteliers the staggering statistics that in less than a decade , the number of hotel rooms nearby had increased from 70 to 800 .
6 Erm if you wanted to get time to look at the chart to colour the planets the right colour that 's up to you .
7 In past operational plans the Eastern Health and Social Services Board had stressed that efficiency and flexibility would need to be introduced .
8 In both cases the greater stability and permanency of the labour force encouraged farmers to build more tied cottages in order to ensure a supply of labour — and the significance of tied cottages was further increased by estates being broken up and sold to sitting tenants , a change which also brought about a decline in the number of closed villages .
9 In many cases the traditional healers and midwives are already part of the primary health care structure of the village or community and have received additional training so that the most positive aspects of traditional and non-traditional medicine can be combined in ways that are acceptable to the community .
10 See if they yeah , they have n't got any video cases , they had some video cases the other day and I forgot to get some
11 There are some observers who think this to be admirable ; but there are others who believe that in such cases the basic obligations that should keep such enthusiasts at home have been obscured by pretension and sentimentality .
12 In most cases the hereditary wardens and foresters of fee , or their heirs , were able within a few years to recover their bailiwicks by payment of substantial fines to the Crown .
13 The meeting had been called in order to clarify the situation on funding for Egypt 's IMF-inspired economic reform programme and followed the concessions announced in May by members of the " Paris Club " of creditor countries ( in many cases the same countries as were involved in the World Bank announcement ) .
14 In both cases the intronic ORFs and their introns seem to be intimately linked and appear to be propagated together .
15 The hominine character state could either be gorilla-like lengthening of the premaxilla , which is not present in Dryopithecus but is in Graecopithecus , or it could be unlengthened as in Dryopithecus , but in both cases the elongated premaxilla and narrow incisive canal in Graecopithecus could constitute a hominine synapomorphy .
16 Basically , the shape of the bow is created from leaves , and in most cases the smaller leaves and component parts are easier to manipulate into these less natural designs .
17 For all these reasons the additional time and effort involved in achieving the improved results , compared with the first exercise , will be significant .
18 He had noticed that the Roberts Building Company got a large share of municipal contracts the following year and had had words with Jacko .
19 What do you think keeps the petty thieves and the people who run a bawdy house away from my door ? ’
20 The Platoon Sergeant loads the necessary extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment into the back of a vehicle and they speed off The accident has occurred a few hundred metres from the Turkish depot in which ammunition is stored for the Force .
21 The logo , designed by ad agency Bastable , scraps the tall ship and compass look for an image that better reflects the more general bridge-building and clinic-operating activities of the group .
22 ‘ The company is not going bust , assets are four times the current price and the yield on a cut dividend is over three times the UK average . ’
23 Maybe they had been for old times the old times that had never really existed .
24 At a time the stress is reduced to times the original value and this characteristic time is known as the relaxation time τ .
25 The decision came against a background of growing public anxiety over the capital 's air pollution levels , which had reached nearly four times the recommended limits as set by the World Health Organization .
26 The decision came against a background of growing public anxiety over the capital 's air pollution levels , which have reached nearly four times the recommended limits as set by the World Health Organization .
27 In the first response the stepping rate is about 0.6 times the natural frequency and therefore the rotor is behind the equilibrium position and has a low velocity when the next excitation change occurs .
28 Foster parents can often claim fostering allowances of 2–3 times the Supplementary Benefit that the natural parent would have received for looking after the same child … which is peculiarly ironic when one considers that some children might not be in foster-care at all if their parents had adequate incomes in the first place ( Fairbairns , 1976 ) .
29 The largest of these will be able to lift six to seven times the maximum load that the space shuttle can carry .
30 Nothing would have induced me to part now except an overwhelming sense that the course of action which has been pursued has put the country- and not merely the country , but throughout the world , the principles for which you and I have always stood throughout our political lives-in the greatest peril that has ever overtaken them .
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