Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [verb] [pers pn] with " in BNC.

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1 There are also good reasons for associating it with rich clusters ( groups of several hundred galaxies ) as these seem to have a collective halo , possibly formed from the material in the original haloes of the constituent galaxies .
2 Partners and staff are well known in the City , w providers of due diligence work with the major capitalists , with the bankers er with with the merchant bankers and so on and of course our plans for providing us with due diligence work .
3 Thanks for providing me with an excellent article for the summer edition of Cymru Wledig .
4 Again , many thanks for providing me with the opportunity to meet the Committee , it was very helpful .
5 Bolognese lawyers were so important to both the papal and imperial parties in supplying them with lawyers to staff their governments and administrations that they were given special protection .
6 Most reckon that , with the holding in Hanson 's balance sheet as a fixed asset , Lord Hanson will probably hold on for maybe 18 months before placing it with an alternative international predator .
7 After what seemed an age , she felt Kattina 's open mouth close over her own , breathing quietly against her lips before licking them with her long tongue .
8 Nineteenth century tries to stifle doubts by crushing you with sheer bulk , he wrote .
9 When delegates from various provincial committees came to St Petersburg for consultations in August 1859 , Nikolai Miliutin cut the ground from under their feet by presenting them with an outline of the Commission 's views which went far beyond what they had in mind .
10 But it seems to have been equally rare for young couples in the poorer classes to help their ageing parents by providing them with houseroom .
11 But in ‘ Kantian Constructivism in Moral Theory ’ the Kantian insight is used to defend his theory against various criticisms by providing it with an epistemological foundation .
12 World population , erm probably what I 'm gon na have to do is , although they , they said you ca n't do it do n't get any ideas about doing it with because it 's not possible .
13 Other than luck — winning the football pools or coming into a legacy — there are three main possibilities for providing you with extra money : your home , work and investment skill .
14 He rubs it absently , accosting strangers in the street , seeking out a friend and within minutes exclaiming that he wants to be by himself , watching children wistfully , accusing wellwishers of persecuting him with their kindness ; until at last he explodes on the brink of confession in a terrible universal cry : ‘ Oh , if only I were alone and nobody loved me , and if only I had never loved anyone ! ’
15 Many have moved from saying proudly they were social workers to saying it with embarrassment .
16 The Doctor was standing on his head and juggling the balls by knocking them with the soles of his feet whilst gargling ‘ The Star-Spangled Banner ’ .
17 I use them , but I keep them separated from the majority of plants by surrounding them with strips of glass siliconed to the tank base .
18 What some researchers have done is to shift the significance of their findings away from such socially precise conditions , and to claim a kind of extra-social status for their own conventions by associating them with supposedly general logical qualities .
19 The British government 's decision to upgrade its Polaris weapons by replacing them with much more powerful Tridents introduced a further tension , since it was unclear whether this or the French deterrent would be included in general East-West agreements .
20 Sec. in his report gave a resume of the year 's business and in particular referred to the proposed museum and the difficulties of establishing it with the very limited resources at the Society 's disposal .
21 Lake Windermere 's ranger 's annual report has accused boat owners of polluting it with raw sewage and spent fuel , leading to noxious smells in warm weather .
22 Trainees will see that by tackling the practical presenting problem with too much alacrity they may superimpose their interpretation of Sally 's problems before confirming them with Sally .
23 The specimen bored straight into a weed bed and Pike Anglers ' Club member Andy fought the fish for 15 minutes before beating it with size 8 trebles to 11 lb line .
24 The therapist encouraged Pamela to make a list of ways in which she would like her parents to change in terms of providing her with greater freedom .
25 There are different ways of doing it with different people erm who do share it .
26 Because the novel relies on prior literary knowledge , each individual reading will necessarily be the idiosyncratic result of an interaction between the proper names given and the reader 's capacity to ‘ round out ’ these names by furnishing them with personalities and circumstantial details ( which may vary considerably even between readers who have read the same texts ) .
27 Then check your guesses by measuring them with a protractor .
28 As regards discovering the nature of social representations by contrasting them with phenomena which are not social representations , we can see an immediate difference between the universal and particular conceptions .
29 Scar-faced Moore , 33 , dragged two-year-old Clare and David , four , from their mother 's arms after threatening her with a sawn-off shotgun .
30 An optical path reflects the beam along a series of 10 mirrors mounted alongside the arm 's joints before focusing it with a zinc selenide lens .
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