Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [pron] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 So it went on for two long hours during which the thousands present learned nothing about Fascism except the bravery and pertinacity of its young adherents in dealing with this very perilous situation . "
2 It 's not easy to find words for what the two of them meant to me at that time .
3 Relationships in which the two individuals concerned are of exactly equal status are very unusual .
4 The division of labour by sex , the segregation of male and female roles in marriage , and the socialization of females for domesticity are all aspects in which the two cultures closely resemble one another .
5 Relations with America are on the mend after months in which the two countries had been arguing about the fate of nuclear weapons on Ukrainian soil .
6 Their geographical location tended to coincide with those areas in which the 1936 rising had been successful .
7 Those are trials in which the one defendant makes accusations against the other , and the other often makes even worse accusations against the one .
8 The need to separate the functions of chairman and chief executive has been a raging debate in City of London parlours for the past couple or years , and companies at which the two roles are combined in one person have been under enormous pressure to accept a separation of powers : now the same debate could take off across the Atlantic as Compaq Computer Corp 's ( non-executive ) chairman Ben Rosen tells the House Telecommunications and Finance Subcommittee that the troubles that have beset some of America 's largest companies can be traced to cozy relationships between their boards and their chief executives — he declares that the boards of most US companies are chaired by the company 's chief executive , who picks the board members and controls the agenda — ‘ With an appropriate form of corporate governance , I fully believe that the current problems of IBM , Digital Equipment , Westinghouse and other major American corporations could have been addressed and probably solved far earlier with much reduced ill effects , ’ Rosen told the legislators , adding that a company 's chairman should be a ‘ truly outside independent director , ’ not the chief executive or a former chief executive , and that all board members , with the exception of the chief executive , should also be outsiders , who should get their directors ' fees in the form of shares or options .
9 Now , however , I want to concentrate on the 15 years during which the two of them lived and worked together , and Pollock made a bid to change the course of what was then thought of as modern art .
10 Five agencies were continuously monitored across the two years in which the two surveys were conducted : the Home Office , the police , the probation service , the Detoxification Unit , and the Drugs Council .
11 He could just make out the greens , the fairways and the dunes through which the three dozen surviving professionals would toil tomorrow in search of their own Golden Fleece .
12 Berlin Bertie mixes gritty realism with poetic passages in which the five characters step out of the action to express their innermost thoughts and desires .
13 There are families in whom the two conditions coexist raising the possibility that they share a similar genetic predisposition and possibly a common transmissable agent such as a mycobacterium .
14 Yet recognition of the difficulties in which the two papers found themselves had the apparent effect of making the Government and the party think more clearly about mass communications .
15 Results almost identical to those shown in Fig. 5.8 have been produced by experiments in which the two reinforcers differ in their nature ( Trapold ( 1970 ) used sucrose pellets and standard food pellets ) , in their timing ( Carlson and Wielkiewicz. ( 1972 ) used immediate versus delayed reinforcement ) , or in their magnitude ( one food pellet versus five , Carlson and Wielkiewicz ( 1976 ) ) .
16 It emerged on Sunday that the Foreign Office had given Libya a list of detailed assurances covering the conditions in which the two men would be held in Scotland while awaiting trial .
17 However , these congruences are in different planes from the congruences on which the two wave components propagate , and for which the contraction and shear clearly become unbounded as .
18 For ‘ prodigies ’ ( ‘ Mr Binyon 's young prodigies ’ ) surely we ought to read ‘ protégés ’ ; and then it becomes possible to wonder whether the jocularity about bulldogs does n't mark a wistful or resentful sense that Binyon and Sturge Moore ( ‘ old Neptune ’ ) might have done more with their respective protégés than merely set them to sniff and snarl at each other 's heels ; to question whether the two senior writers could not have established themselves — at least for some purposes — as masters of ateliers in which the two young hopefuls might have enrolled as apprentices .
19 This tome concentrated on the operational side of the type 's history , not just during World War Two , where the aircraft was undoubtedly the best long range fighting aircraft that served on all sides of the war , but through all the other conflicts in which the P-51 participated .
20 The Spanish candidacy is being supported by Turin , one of the six cities in which the six seeds will be based for the first round .
21 For instance , a computer can search he words of titles and print out all items containing the relevant key terms , but if an astronomer asks for anything to do with black holes , he may find himself presented with material on the Black Hole of Calcutta , or titles in which the two words appear separately and accidentally , unless the search procedure is more tightly controlled .
22 In a referendum on April 28 , over 90 per cent of voters approved a draft constitution under the terms of which the 1982 ban on political parties would be lifted on May 18 ; the turnout was estimated at 60 per cent .
23 However , he also went a long way towards showing that this apparent conflict could be reconciled by isolating ways in which the two ideals were similar .
24 Thus , while both firms have the same overall goal of selling furniture for profit , the more detailed breakdown of goals tells us much more about the different ways in which the two businesses will be run .
25 The group discussed ways in which the four organisations might work more closely together in the future , including preparations for the WACC-sponsored Consultation of International Christian Communication Organisations which was postponed earlier this year .
26 There are several ways in which the five responses might be summarized into a single score for each month which could then be traced over time .
27 In the total series of 46 patients from which the 25 patients were taken , there was no periperative death , the postoperative morbidity was similar to previous reports , and the 4% reoperation rate compares favourably with earlier figures after Nissen fundoplication ( 5.9% ) or Belsey Mark IV operation ( 4.8% ) .
28 Who would have thought that the tablets on which the Ten Commandments were written could be encapsulated in a microchip ?
29 the likes of which the twenty six strike was , you see , there there was no er there was no holds barred .
30 Shown here are the reptiles from which the two groups of dinosaurs probably originated .
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