Example sentences of "[noun pl] [noun sg] [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 MB 's building products division has a large overlap with Caradon 's operations .
2 This indivisibility problem will tend to be smaller if each futures contract has a small nominal value , and the total value of the arbitrage transaction is very large .
3 Furthermore , sometimes the government expressly delegates public administrative functions to non-governmental bodies : for example , under the Financial Services Act 1986 the Securities and Investments Board exercises a wide range of regulatory functions delegated to it by the Secretary of State ; the Board of Deputies of British Jews plays an important role in policing certain Sunday Trading laws ; the Wood Green Animal Shelter in North London runs the government 's computerized register of fighting dogs ; and the Rowntree Trust ( a private charitable organization ) administers the Family Fund ( a public fund to assist families of severely handicapped children ) .
4 The type of computer system used is very much a secondary consideration , and will depend upon such considerations as : enterprise size/number of employees number of physical locations range of personnel applications to be attempted whether enterprise is growing , contracting , static supply of computer professionals available budget available What is certain is that the personnel function needs a shared information system .
5 The Fuel contracts Department has a second team operating within the TOP Programme developing a computerised fuel cycle market intelligence system .
6 As the first US cash-settled contract its success enabled the US futures industry to introduce a new array of cash settlement stock index futures contracts .
7 The £4,000 million Action for Cities programme underlines the Conservative commitment to our inner cities and the people who live there .
8 He said that The Sunday Times journalist made a fraudulent claim and forged the heading of a Ministry letter .
9 Evaluation of current practice , review of equipment ( including an audit of all ward refrigerator temperatures ) and planning of training in conjunction with the personnel department constituted the initial stage of the review process at Forth Valley .
10 It is sensible personnel practice to have a standard letter available to employees which they can use to notify you of their situation and intentions .
11 really answer the first part of the Noble Lord 's question by saying that er er it is a question of future cost , er we are er we are already spending a great deal of money on the first part er of this er library and er we will have to examine the future cost very carefully and I put it to you to the Noble Lord that it would be a really sad reflection where the field of creative endeavour in which this country is m has most excelled over the centuries , in other words literature to have no single focus for celebration , preservation and active use , it really is er very important that this library continues , but may I remind Your Lordships also that we 're not talking about the s the library in this question , we 're talking about the u the site at present used by the builders .
12 The 6th index-linked National Savings Certificate gives a guaranteed tax-free return of 3.25% ( 4.5% a year on 5th issue ) compound on top of index linking if held for five years .
13 And as they moved together Folly felt her lips part to welcome the hungry passion of his mouth .
14 The BBC is launching a new , youth-oriented arts programme to challenge the high-falutin' style of its own Late Show .
15 A recent survey by the US Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association showed a 60 per cent increase in biotechnology medicines under development in the US over the past four years .
16 The Wife 's Legs Cafe served a moderate spread at an affordable price and had an obvious attraction to recommend it .
17 The Arts Council presents an exciting programme of new work at this year 's festival .
18 The Arts Council gave a substantial grant to this scheme as it felt that it emphasised artists ‘ opportunities and practice , rather than the institution and its curatorial staff .
19 The National Savings Monthly Savings plan offers a tax-free return of 8.5 p.c. yearly over five years .
20 In his books Green shows a strong social awareness of a liberal Georgian kind .
21 When full details of the draw were finally dispatched it emerged that Readers Digest had a considerable involvement .
22 for 3rd arts south Celebrating the first steps of a maestro .
23 Even the Equal Opportunities Commission appointed a male chief executive in 1985 .
24 The Government set up a Public Schools Commission to investigate the Direct Grant Schools : this brought together the sixty Heads of Direct Grant schools in the Headmasters ' Conference in much the same way as the Taunton Commission had led to the creation of the Conference itself in 1869 .
25 The awareness turning his eyes lambent kindled a flickering heat within her , slow , soft flames that ate fatally at her will-power .
26 Each petty sessions area has an allocated care centre to which cases may be transferred if the relevant criteria are met .
27 From the opposite camp , the Defence of Literature and the Arts Society supported a similar test of outrage by proposing to Williams that :
28 On July 4 the National Assembly had endorsed a political parties bill guaranteeing a limited form of democracy .
29 For two years the League of Nations Society led a modest existence , discussing ideas , publishing proposals and keeping in touch with like-minded organizations in France , Holland and , significantly , the United States , where a League to Enforce peace had been established in 1915 .
30 And thro' streight Entries brush 'd the rustling Gown ,
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