Example sentences of "[noun pl] [that] [vb -s] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In this situation , that proportion of the goodwill written off directly to reserves that relates to the estate agency business should be charged to the profit and loss account as part of the costs of closing that activity on the grounds that it is a separate business .
2 Control of protein synthesis can occur at several different points in the sequence of steps that leads from the DNA code to a fully formed protein .
3 While it is in these that we are primarily interested in for the development of teaching material , they are likely to be dependent on the climate of attitudes that prevails in the lesson .
4 It was concluded that low cost tools have limitations but can provide useful experience to system builders that allows for the critical selection of more advanced software .
5 All that 's changed is the way the formula 's been applied , and the number of calls that counts towards the formula .
6 It 's great to go slow where you 've got houses , children and all the other things , but I , Avenue , which is on er plan five , is one of the radial roads that goes through the centre of erm out in the direction and to put a thirty mile an hour speed limit on this I think is totally unrealistic .
7 and that 's this alien it 's a beach ball with feet that runs around the place .
8 Yes One o one of the elements that goes towards the four thousand four hundred
9 It is this tension between the grandiose themes of cosmology and its mundane workings that sits at the heart of Dennis Overbye 's superb book .
10 Their first single ‘ Mystery Train ’ is restructured with bleeps and beats to sound altogether moodier , while ‘ Senses ’ is one of those emotional anthems that sits at the end of the set .
11 Thus this year is ambiguous between the calendrical unit that runs from January I to January I and which includes CT , and the measure of 365 days that begins on the day including CT .
12 It is the combination of different characteristics , strengths and weaknesses that leads to the development of the pupil 's unique personality , and in common with other children , those with visual handicaps will show a range of character , ability and adjustment .
13 It is the attempt to examine some of these interdisciplinary intersections that lies at the heart of this text .
14 That is why , in its efforts to preserve the buildings and uphold the general presumption in favour of historic buildings that exists within the law , SAVE has had to argue its case all the way to the House of Lords .
15 I started off qua , er quarter of an hour so half ha , it was only one of these things that goes over the top .
16 The one hotel group whose name is synonymous throughout the East with traditional standards of elegance , style and grace , now has a sparkling string of properties that stretches through the Pacific to the Atlantic .
17 This Wallach attributes to the overall control of government and aid agencies that assigns to the farmers a passive role in land management .
18 In accordance with the theme of this chapter , I shall simply use ‘ stylistics ’ as a convenient label ( hence the inverted commas ) for the branch of literary studies that concentrates on the linguistic form of texts , and I shall take four different examples of this kind of work as alternatives to the Prague School 's and Jakobson 's approach to the relationship between linguistics and literature .
19 We believe that it is the failure to map from roles to names that accounts for the difficulty in keeping track of who is doing what to whom in certain complicated texts with many characters — some Russian novels , for example .
20 Do you have any special terms that applies to the job that we would n't know about ?
21 Detritus — Also sometimes known as mulm , this describes the mixture of tiny waste items that gathers at the bottom and in the filters of any tank set-up .
22 Two scientists from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have observed a fall of as much as 50 per cent since 1982 in what is known as the " Arctic haze " , a cloud of pollutants that forms over the region each spring .
23 ‘ Now Take That ’ is a clanking , menacing collection of threats that stalks in the footsteps of Nick Cave , while ‘ Unhealthy ’ is a thumping and insistent piece of blues-spooked vitriol .
24 This initial fragmentation is one of the essential processes that leads to the conversion of sterile rock into fertile soil .
25 Although the case collapsed and Docherty admitted telling ‘ a pack of lies ’ in court , it opened up damaging wounds within Manchester United , and created a climate of fear and loathing among leading players that stretches to the present day .
26 The initial loss of this response produced by presenting the stimulus repeatedly alone will occur both because of habituation and because of a decline in the value of α , each of these changes influencing one of the reflexes that contributes to the observed behaviour .
27 Culture , after all , is a collection of beliefs and assumptions and behaviours that belongs to the members , not the managers .
28 Another way of looking at the process is to regard the member of the pair of particles that falls into the black hole — ; the antiparticle , say — as being really a particle that is traveling backward in time Thus , the antiparticle falling into the black hole can be regarded as a particle coming out of the black hole but traveling backward in time .
29 For example , a fifth of all adult casualties are at or near pedestrian crossings , whilst the disproportionate danger to children that comes from the residential street environment has already been discussed .
30 One of the issues that arises concerning the inhabitants of squatter settlements is integration into city life , since many of them are migrants and all of them are living in an area which is peripheral , in terms of city services and location .
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