Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv prt] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One by one , he put the drowsy birds on to the top perch .
2 The hall in which the manservant greeted them was theatrically lit from the Regency gothic windows of stained glass which threw the early evening sun in coloured patterns on to the black and white marbled floor .
3 From the tablet a graphics program is called which allows the operator to insert chosen values on to the displayed graph axis .
4 The determination to move the party 's and public 's attention from internal splits on to the current political agenda was demonstrated in speeches last night by Mr Chalmers and a former SNP leader , Gordon Wilson , targeting the constitutional question .
5 His snowdrops were already wilting like wax candles in the warmth of his hand , and as he copied the mourners ahead of him and stood up , one flower slipped between his fingers on to the rust-coloured floor .
6 Robyn held it out at arm 's length , glanced at it and then cursed as she saw the blood that dripped from her fingers on to the black plastic .
7 As you straighten your hand the band will jump from the first two fingers on to the third and fourth ones .
8 Those of Gide 's travel journals published as Amyntas are even more revealing of this process whereby loss of self becomes a discovery of self ; both selves , the centred and the dispersed , being kept alive , both being necessary for the lyrical , unorthodox Western narrative which Gide maps on to the African landscape and his own illicit sexuality within it .
9 He opened the door of a big airy room with views down to the great river itself .
10 Before presenting the Service 's estimates to Parliament , the department should , in theory , prune its programmes down to the financial target line imposed by the Treasury ; but , in practice , it has been found that the bow-wave tends to dissipate as the actual financial year goes by because there are always delays in most programmes that lead to underspending on individual projects .
11 Pictures of old , tired faces : Madge 's made vacant by drugs , Bella 's grey with pain on a bad day , threw themselves like projected images on to the white kitchen wall .
12 Transfer the loops from the back bed needles without pushers on to the front bed needles with stitches on .
13 Paint black and silver squares on to the large strip of white fondant surrounding the neck of the rocket to give a chequered design .
14 Shelley sipped her coffee , then put the mug down and swung her legs on to the cool tiled floor .
15 He motioned Karlinsky forward and with a generous flourish directed him up the three steps on to the small platform in front of the Ark of the Law where a lectern had been placed .
16 She took a couple of steps on to the damp surface , lost her balance and collapsed to her knees .
17 I have again the impression of a girl , another girl , sitting still and silent in a crowded room at Oxford while everyone else 's meaningless chatter bumped around the walls or dropped like limp catkins on to the wood-block floor .
18 Old issues are re-emerging from our history books on to the political agenda : the status of Germany , the problems of the Balkans , the ambiguous relations of peripheral countries like Britain and Russia to the politics of Central Europe .
19 Kirov was always a master at inveigling innocents on to the wrong side of the system .
20 The most important factor in keeping arrears down to the lowest possible level was exercising proper care in granting mortgage loans , checking the applicant 's income , his previous borrowing record , verifying that the property was relevant to the borrower 's needs and his ability to maintain it in good order .
21 There are literally thousands of Latin words occurring in texts of interest to the local historian — and these may date from the sixth or seventh centuries down to the seventeenth .
22 Such round , smooth shapes are the perfect foil to the railway sleepers that are used as informal steps down to the lowest level of all , a curved brick paved sitting area that looks back up towards the house .
23 Mary smiled as she negotiated the three awkward steps down to the sunken floor of the huge kitchen .
24 The flight was only about ten steps down to the next landing , and though he felt bruised all over , and shocked , nothing seemed to be broken .
25 We carried on for a few more yards , then retraced our steps down to the main level and back out into the sunshine .
26 ‘ Farmers brought animals along to the same waiting room as human patients .
27 The advantages to the Commission of programme financing arose from the long-term nature of such a plan for regional development , which required agreement on financing arrangements in advance from all the concerned parties down to the local government level .
28 One hot morning in west Beirut , the Palestinians ' Mourabitoun allies even invited journalists down to the American University campus to witness the launching of a newly acquired ground-to-ground missile towards Jounieh .
29 From the Roman Forum , once the city 's most important political and social centre , to the Colosseum , perhaps the city 's best known monument , to the soaring Baroque dome of St-Peter 's and the Vatican city with its superb collection of paintings and sculptures , to the Trevi Fountains and the Spanish steps through to the twentieth century Victor-Emmanuel monument built to commemorate the unity of Italy — the list is endless and no amount of reading about the Eternal City can substitute a visit there as Rome speaks for herself .
30 The Mongolian Party of Free Labour ( MPFL ) and the Mongolian Party of Greens ( MPG ) failed to get any candidates through to the second round of voting .
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