Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb -s] a [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 When it come to excitement-value , neither of the Top Yanks holds a candle to Finn 's Hotel ( Viking , June , £12.99 , 0 670 85067 5 ) , the ‘ lost novel ’ by James Joyce , allegedly completed some time between the writing of Ulysses and Finnegan 's Wake .
2 Seamus Hegarty 's Meeting Special Needs in Ordinary Schools gives an introduction to the field of special needs as a whole , whilst Sheila Wolfendale 's Primary Schools and Special Needs and John Sayer 's Secondary Schools for All ? address issues more specifically concerned with primary and secondary schools respectively .
3 The fact that the requirements are those of central government rather than those initiated by individual schools makes a difference to the process of development .
4 The rich variety of geographical environments provides a background to the diversity of ways of life and traditions of the Yugoslav peoples .
5 The reason it is important to share feelings is that the sharing of emotions gives an insight to the fabric and function of the filter .
6 However , correlation of the verbal instructions on no.7 with those of other movements enables a tempo to be estimated for that movement .
7 Romaine 's extension of the quantitative methods of sociolinguistics to the study of variation in relative clause marking in sixteenth-century written texts suggests an approach to the relationship between variation and change different from any we have discussed so far ( Romaine 1982b ) .
8 This concession by Customs follows an amendment to the Building Regulations on kitchen and bathroom ventilation and fire safety .
9 The thought of such treasures disappearing into private collections brings a sigh to Serena Kelly , secretary-general of the Business Archives Council .
10 Second , the comparison with nazi ideas provides a guide to the influence of Hitler on British racial nationalism .
11 The Food Irradiation Network has written to all EC food ministers pointing out that the lack of appropriate testing arrangements and labelling provisions constitutes a threat to consumer choice .
12 The blend of a varied and ancient culture with a modern economy based on technological innovation which characterises Japan and Japanese Studies has an appeal to students with a wide range of interests .
13 Simply to say that postnominal attributives are reduced relatives gives an answer to neither of our questions ( p. 43 ) .
14 Somewhere between these two questions lurks an answer to the puzzle of Saddam Hussein .
15 Exposure of the small intestine to cow 's milk antigens causes a lesion to the gut mucosa and increases its permeability , permitting the entry of antigens through the impaired host barrier .
16 It can be argued that the successful development of such techniques requires an adherence to semantic theory from both the computational and linguistic perspective , to provide a sound theoretical framework .
17 However , the present government 's stance on market forces makes a return to interventionist regional planning unlikely .
18 ‘ The decision to print elsewhere was a commercial one , for we have known for some time that the quality of our printing of newspapers leaves a lot to be desired , while our commercial printing side is first class .
19 It would offend both common sense and justice to hold that the very control which enables such people to extract the company 's assets constitutes a defence to a charge of theft from the company .
20 She has a life of her own outside the kitchen , for she is compiling ‘ Five Thousand and One Witty and Humorous Sayings ’ , and on most afternoons gives an hour to unravelling her material .
21 A comparison of the success rates of related items in written tests provides a guide to difficulty factors .
22 It is widely accepted , if not empirically demonstrated , that the prospect of widening regional imbalances poses a threat to economic and monetary union .
23 Fortes , however , when later reviewing the work of Morgan , handsomely acknowledges the extent to which he had been foreshadowed by Morgan [ Fortes , 1969 ] , first in terms of his analysis of the way these acephalus systems work , and secondly in his understanding of the way that the continuing existence of politically active descent groups poses a threat to the organization and stability of the State .
24 It is necessary to apply s. 1(3) which states : An occupier of premises owes a duty to another ( not being his visitor ) in respect of any such risk as is referred to in subsection ( 1 ) if — ( a ) he is aware of the danger or has reasonable grounds to believe it exists ; ( b ) he knows or has reasonable grounds to believe that the other is in the vicinity of the danger concerned or that he may come into the vicinity of the danger ( in either case whether the other has lawful authority for being in that vicinity or not ) ; and ( c ) the risk is one against which , in all the circumstances of the case , he may reasonably be expected to offer the other some protection .
25 Caterers are most likely to come into contact with industrial tribunals if one of their past or present employees refers a matter to the tribunal with regard to his or her contract of employment .
26 Nonetheless , the incongruence of rRNA-based phylogenies with molecular trees derived from elongation factors or DNA-dependent RNA polymerases presents a challenge to molecular evolutionists .
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