Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb -s] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Most of the money spent in capital cases goes towards the litigation , which can take over a decade before all the avenues of appeal have been exhausted .
2 The originality of so much of Ashton 's and MacMillan 's choreography fur classical ballets lies in the way they follow the basic principles and rules in order to create an infinite variety of enchaînements from the traditional vocabulary of steps , and yet discard the conventions .
3 Each of these activities adds to the costs incurred .
4 According to Hiro , ‘ the explanation of this difference of attitudes lies in the variation between the home environment of the Asian and English children .
5 For the genealogist , however , the principal value of the returns lies in the help they provide in tracing elusive ancestors .
6 The difference in the various authorities lies in the determinations as to what constitutes compulsion or duress .
7 A granite memorial to these Groups stands at the end of the former main runway .
8 ‘ The crux of military operations lies in the pretence of accommodating one 's self to the designs of the enemy . ’
9 One possible area of conflict of ideas and values lies in the assumption that we are either rural or urban in orientation .
10 The systematic blurring of the lines between information , entertainment , and promotion of products lies at the heart of this practice .
11 THE secret of ANTA 's success with its tartan products lies in a combination of traditional design with simple shapes .
12 However , several recent studies have shown that the ability to reason about and talk about epistemic states develops before the age of five years ( Abbeduto and Rosenberg , 1985 ; Perner and Leekam , 1986 ; Shatz et et al . ,
13 speaks at masses or meetings writes for the newsletter
14 If one of the parties agrees with the expert and the other does not , that other party may , depending on the circumstances , be in breach of the contract to refer the matter to an expert which carries with it an obligation to follow directions issued by the expert : see the example at 11.5.3 .
15 7.1 Each of the Parties agrees during the term of this Agreement not to participate in any project which competes with the Project or which is designed to fulfil the same or similar objects .
16 The emphasis on culture and the attendant imagery of the nation composed of symmetrical family units contributes to a metaphysics of Britishness which has acquired racial referents .
17 The performance of the homes sits in the Orlando area - Davenport Glen and Chatham Park — exceeded our expectations , whilst Monterey in Dade County produced a range of homes which appealed very strongly to local residents including some whose motivation to purchase had been prompted by the hurricane while swept through southern Florida last year .
18 In some instances the term equal opportunities refers to the attainments of girls , sometimes to gender differentiation in assessment , in some instances to both boys and girls , and occasionally to ethnic minority pupils …
19 Helping parents draw up these lists builds on the information they have gained from the assessment phase where they have already learned to specify the problem areas .
20 Cats do n't usually take to car travel , that 's why I do n't often take any of mine with me , and shutting them up in cages goes against the grain , but my sister 's two Burmese love the car , they 'll go and sit in the car when it parked .
21 According to the AUT , the effect of such relationships goes beyond the people involved .
22 Its constant , uncritical use of the concept of ‘ normality ’ and its insistence on adapting individuals rather than environments flies in the face of much social scientific and educational wisdom , and , more importantly , the expressed wishes of many disabled people who want society to change , not themselves .
23 The organized system of social knowledge each individual possesses for social performances corresponds to the competence linguists attribute to speakers of a language .
24 This distinction between the roles in a drama and the actors who play the roles corresponds to the fact that the data of field research must always be looked at in two dimensions .
25 Gerald James ' concluding feature on marquetry methods looks at the use of line to create wooden decoration , and offers advice on choice of veneers , composition , the use of line and grain , and mirror images
26 Frustration with the ineffectiveness of words lies behind a lot of physical violence .
27 As we saw back in section 12.5 , the building-up of reserves counts as a deficit ( an outflow from the balance of payments account to the reserves account ) .
28 The harassment occurs as a result of the effect various suggestions , jokes , touching or showing of pictures has on the recipient .
29 Its subtleness in so few words adds to the cleverness of it showing how perceptive he was .
30 A pile of toy animals lies in the corner of the gallery in Telling Tales .
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