Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb -s] [adv] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Within these one can still discern the ‘ earlier ’ items , whose syntactic combination in accordance with Montague 's formation rules involves only relatively minor peripheral modifications ( just what one would expect on the Sampson-Simon model ) .
2 The history of Gainsborough Pictures shows just how strong were the forces dragging them away from conflict and passion , towards gentility .
3 The fungi grows in just these sites in wild cockroaches .
4 The look-up speed should be similar to the trie ( although this has not yet been established ) , but build times are much greater , especially for larger lexicons ( for example 5,705 words takes approximately 10 minutes to build , but 68,856 words takes just over 11 hours 3 ) .
5 And beneath , the copy-writers had reared a paradox that would have delighted Lewis Carroll : ‘ The family with two cars gets twice as many chores completed , so there 's more leisure to enjoy together ! ’
6 The diversity of monitoring organizations seems just as great in other countries ; numerous multinational organizations , both quasi-governmental ( e.g. the UN Environment Programme ( UNEP ) ) and non-governmental ( e.g. the International Union for the Conservation of Nature ( IUCN ) and the International Institute for Environment and Development ( IIED ) ) are also active in the field .
7 Nothing has basically changed , however : the mimicry of bygone styles remains just as immaculate as in Visconti 's work , not only in costumes and hairstyles , in sets and shop-fronts , but down to that surprisingly potent signifier of the recent past , the typeface ( as in all those beguiling un-period credit titles ) .
8 Although I work at weekends and evenings , a couple of days on my own with the kids works out just right .
9 The term Earth Mysteries covers not just ancient sites but also the people who visited them and found them significant in their lives .
10 Shortages have become a way of life here , to find these people queueing for staple products shows just how desperate the situation has become .
11 Yet serious research into the history of textiles goes back little more than a century .
12 Tests show that eating lots of fibre or switching to polyunsaturated fats has about as much chance of prolonging your life as wearing a wig , but a kipper two or three times a week will have your life assurance rep collecting the premiums for ever .
13 The combined effect of these provisions is that the question of whether or not a child has special educational needs depends not so much on the child 's specific needs considered in isolation , but rather on the appropriateness or otherwise of existing provision .
14 Indeed , the whole issue of how and why employers ( and trade unions ) formulate policy towards the employment of older workers requires much more detailed investigation than it has so far received , and it is an area in which economic analysis may prove to be more fruitful than radical political theory .
15 The Banks indicated to the Labour Court , at that stage , that the numbers required for this task would be approximately 700 but despite the fact that full Extended Opening Hours are now in place , the figure actually employed by the Banks falls very far short of that number .
16 Once the distinction between review and supervision is understood , the reasoning behind the conditions required for leap-frog appeals becomes more readily understandable .
17 For a skilled operator it is faster and easier to produce a new drawing , and once a drawing is on file , making changes and producing updated versions becomes much more efficient .
18 The basic order of main classes resembles fairly closely that of BC , identifying the following main areas ( into which main classes can be categorized ) ;
19 In conscious rats restitution of non-haemorrhagical lesions proceeds so quickly that re-epithelialisation of the denuded surface is nearly complete within 1 hour .
20 The following account of the 1950s from Margaret Brasnett 's Story of the Citizens Advice Bureaux sounds all too familiar .
21 Paradoxically , much of what I have said about the writing of straightforward mystery stories applies just as much to inverted stories , the books that seemingly set out on an exactly opposite course .
22 The public debate about political priorities focuses far too much on what we can do for today 's consumption and far too little about what we invest in the future .
23 Perhaps no one would deny this ; but as each generation of students arrives more defiantly or hopelessly monoglot , as a whole new discipline ( called ‘ Comparative Literature ’ ) has come into being to cater for those exceptional persons who can read more languages than one , the need for a classroom manual to redress this state of affairs becomes ever more urgent .
24 One can learn more about intonation in an hour of this work than in days of reading text-books on the subject , and one 's interest in and understanding of theoretical problems becomes much more profound .
25 The issue of allocating resources becomes far more difficult if the treatment under discussion is special , or unusual .
26 The legal effect of actions of an organisation in excess of its powers becomes even more complex in the case of claims by third parties against the organisation .
27 In this far corner of the Third World , we have known darkness and despair that at times seems almost too much to bear …
28 Goran 's two tournaments wins so far this year prove that he 's more than just a serving machine .
29 THE highly popular series of Scotsman Literary Lunches starts up again this month with an intriguing trio of authors : the actor Brian Blessed , the agony aunt Claire Rayner and the leading biographer Margaret Forster .
30 Yet the degree of integration of drainage patterns shown in some arid regions seems altogether too high to be attributed merely to Pleistocene pluvial periods .
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