Example sentences of "[noun pl] [was/were] [adj] [prep] first " in BNC.

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1 Between the Wars the cars were open at first , and drivers had to be well-clad in oilskins to avoid the cascade of water which poured on to them from the canopy of the open-fronted trams .
2 The villagers were suspicious at first , waiting for the demand of a bribe or request for a chicken or a village girl , but in the end they decided to believe him .
3 The conservative forces were successful at first .
4 Summarizing the argument , let me say that there are good reasons , based on sociobiological insights into hunting , which lead me to suppose that the cooperation , altruism and mutuality demanded by social-hunting techniques in 4-foot high hominids lacking all modern hunting technology meant that only the sons were likely at first to start to exploit the immense reserves of game which our gelada-like ancestors saw all around them on the savanna grasslands where they lived .
5 The roads were busy at first , then the traffic grew more scarce .
6 Numbers were small at first , but by the end some 250 bishops were present .
7 The 240 students were involved in first degree courses .
8 When I visited the centre , last September , the clash of French and American academic cultures was disconcerting at first .
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