Example sentences of "[noun pl] [to-vb] [adv prt] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It took me two hours to paint out the damage that Sweetman had caused to our hull .
2 The sketch for the Upper Pond , part of Brown 's great natural parkland at Petworth , was discovered in the Petworth archives some years ago but the backlog of work on the estate and the disastrous storm of 1987 which destroyed thousands of trees delayed plans to carry out the design .
3 Both the bid for Channel Five and plans for the new Teleport to be operated at South Gyle , carrying signals for both Television and Telecommunications via satellite , cable and fibre optic lines , are well advanced and require the continued integration of technologies to carry on the task of promoting Edinburgh as a centre of excellence in the new media .
4 Selecting the right personnel to carry out the PR function .
5 Personnel to carry out the Quality Auditor role are currently being identified : it is intended that they will be trained to IQA Lead Assessor standards .
6 And where they are legal , the operations require sophisticated equipment and highly-trained personnel to carry out the switch within 24 hours .
7 I am not sure about the precise details , but I do believe than when Great-Grandfather Tallentire became old and decided to retire he refused to allow his sons to carry on the licence .
8 She hesitated momentarily before she said , ‘ I hope it will be someone with sons to carry on the property .
9 It took some time to reassemble their people , so much so that presently Douglas , growing impatient , left some of his lesser commanders to round up the stragglers , attend to the wounded and collect the booty from the camp .
10 ( Zhores Medvedev 's attempts to spell out the injury thus caused to scientific-technical advance landed him in a mental hospital . )
11 Beniaminio and Mario Di Conza have been in the hospital since June , undergoing investigations to find out the extent of organ sharing , before the operation which was completed yesterday .
12 So an optimistic note for the pub trade , but a pessimistic one for Oxfordshire 's only two-man brewery , because it 's struggling to survive against tough competition from the major breweries and the are concerned that the Government proposals to shake up the brewing industry wo n't really help them .
13 Morton 's controversial final chapter is only a few thousand words long and attempts to sum up the marriage now but TODAY has discovered new revelations showing how close Diana came to walking out — and still might .
14 Use the patterns to write down the A three .
15 The administrative receiver appointed , Touche Ross , was instrumental in persuading the Revenue to allow shareholders to write off the value of the shares against capital gains tax .
16 The shore boys were ready for us with slides and ropes , and the local corporation carthorses were ready to be harnessed to the capstan ropes to pull up the beach the Jim and Eliza .
17 But now they have to wait weeks or even months to claim back the money — forced to produce an exam certificate for each trainee before the TEC pays up .
18 Could you not use the drama teachers in those schools to carry out the kind some of this kind of marketing as well .
19 Margaret Llewelyn Davies was adamant that in no circumstances would the Guild surrender its independence and the branches raised sufficient funds to carry on the Guild 's work until a compromise was reached four years later .
20 Glen resigned from Annan in November 1816 ; his discouragement was partly caused by the friction created in trying to raise sufficient funds to carry on the work of the congregation .
21 Three words to sum up the feelings of the Hereford fans on Saturday .
22 It was part of the failure of the comprehensive schools to shake off the image of ‘ grammar schools for all ’ .
23 However , Western scientists allege that the Russians are exaggerating the dangers in a bid to raise funds to clean up the wreck .
24 David Garbutt , Grampian 's depute chief constable , said : ‘ Mounting an elaborate hoax such as this is a serious criminal act and our investigation will use all available methods to track down the offender .
25 David Garbutt , Grampian 's depute chief constable , said : ‘ Mounting an elaborate hoax such as this is a serious criminal act and our investigation will use all available methods to track down the offender .
26 In 1848 , Engels had viewed Europe as a general , deploying as his armies subject peoples to lock up the gendarme of Europe , Tsarist Russia .
27 The board that held the keys in the porter 's charge hung just within the doorway , and she had sharp enough eyes to pick out the nail that was empty , and the fellow to the absent key close beside it .
28 Talk about playing golf while Rome burns ; just leave the canny Scots to pick up the bargains .
29 It is scarcely feasible for the communes to set up the apparatus to assess local household incomes ; this is a matter that is best left to the republics and provinces .
30 Ronnie Wood came over once and it took me three months to clean up the mess .
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