Example sentences of "[noun pl] [to-vb] [adv prt] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Here the combined efforts of Richard Acland , Liberal MP for a neighbouring constituency , and the local Left Book Club helped to persuade the local Liberal and Labour parties to stand down in favour of Vernon Bartlett , a journalist , broadcaster and former employee of the LNU .
2 This is a cut-and-thrust spectacle where as many as 24 kites out of 25 have been cast off , their lines to float down in defeat within twenty minutes .
3 He did n't want his sons to grow up in Germany .
4 The defence counsel , Mark Stewart , said that Forman , a self-employed painter and decorator , had borrowed money from Glasgow loan-sharks to set up in business .
5 This causes onlookers to despair , and TV schedules to go up in smoke , which ca n't please Philip Morris , the sponsor .
6 Such policies would involve government intervention to provide better training and job information to reduce occupational immobility , and grants to firms to set up in areas of high unemployment to reduce regional imbalances .
7 It reads like a confirmation present specially written by a malicious , rakehell uncle for a serious-minded adolescent with ambitions to get on in society .
8 The muscles of your larynx , taut with anxiety , cause the sweet nothings to come out in semi-castrato squeak .
9 Because that elephant is going to probably require an environmental assessment or environmental statement erm and there would be infinite numbers of details to tie up in section one O sixes and goodness knows what else specific to that user or users , those users when they the came in the frame .
10 Set up in agreement with the Board of Trade and the Department of Social Security , the ER scheme allows new entrepreneurs to set up in business for three months without losing any state benefits .
11 Firstly , the study will look at the effect of earning on decisions to stay on in education , at a time when more young people are postponing their entry into full-time work and when the financing of Higher Education is under discussion .
12 No point could be served by preserving ‘ bourgeois ’ freedoms or accountability mechanisms , nor was there any need for socialists to work out in detail how their post-revolutionary state could be run .
13 At the same time a gentle bell sounded , causing both men to look round in surprise .
14 Initially , an attempt was made to fill the labour shortages by allowing over 100,000 Poles to stay on in Britain and by encouraging immigration from other European countries , but soon it was felt necessary to look to other sources of cheap labour , and immigration from the Caribbean and the Indian sub-continent was encouraged .
15 Locate in Scotland , the agency charged with luring foreign multinationals to set up in Scotland , is generally seen as competing with the Welsh Development Agency and the Irish Development Authority to secure these coveted new tenants .
16 With AAS , new firms can be given cash incentives to set up in Tendring , or established ones can be helped to expand and create more jobs and opportunities .
17 For them Christine keeps a list of phone numbers for animal homes which might have the animal ; she sends them posters to put up in schools , vets ' surgeries and newsagents ; and tells them to check sheds and garages in case their pet is locked inside .
18 For preaching he would sit cross-legged on the chancel step , there would be bells to make up in sound what was missing in sight , and incense to enlist a further sense .
19 ‘ In the past , I 've used researchers to dig around in libraries , but I 've always done all the hard work myself , and certainly all the major interviews .
20 Mudhoney 's move from hardcore grunge to quite melodic ( with a serrated edge ) pop has caused a few followers to bail out in search of more ‘ serious ’ stuff .
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