Example sentences of "[noun pl] [to-vb] [art] first [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Norwich Union 's aim is at all times to provide a first class standard of service .
2 She narrowed her eyes to catch the first mosquito smudge of distant cormorants — give them till daylight , she told herself as if you can command their flight !
3 Tass confirmed on Sept. 18 , 1989 , that two Japanese journalists had been selected , in line with a $12,000,000 agreement made in March 1989 with the Tokyo TBS television network , as candidates to give the first space broadcast from Mir at an unspecified date in 1991 , despite earlier protests from Soviet journalists that the decision was unpatriotic .
4 More than ten thousand British fans travelled to Barcelona last months to witness the first Olympics to be held in Europe for 20 years .
5 Bombardment of the inner forts followed , and for some three weeks attempts — desultory at best — were made by trawlers to sweep the first line of mines .
6 Atkins employed these cyanotype plates to publish the first book illustrated with photographs , pre-dating her colleague William Henry Fox Talbot 's better known The Pencil of Nature ( 1844–6 ) .
7 The following study attempts to avoid the first problem by increasing the data available for the calculation of ROC curves and to address the second problem by using a much more varied selection of stimuli .
8 He had been writing on average a poem a week , and by the end of 1941 he had enough poems to form a first volume , The Iron Laurel , but he withheld publication until 1942 in order to include ‘ The Foreign Gate ’ , a long poem in which , for the first time in his work , Death appears as a real presence .
9 ‘ I allowed about 11 days to do the first chunk of recording — and she did it in five , ’ says the 49-year-old composer .
10 I have known patients who took three or four weeks to accomplish the first stage but who managed the second within a day or two .
11 The light speeded up as it got closer to you , but took ages to do the first part of the journey .
12 Hovertravel plans to put the first AP1-88 into service in early February , with a second machine following before Easter .
13 No one not in the profession would know for sure whether the assassin had accepted or refused the job ; and no one except the contact and , in this case , the client , would know for sure exactly who was responsible for the messy death of Seren Haminh , probably about fifty hours from now , when the hunger would be rising again and giving her a few hours to sleep the first ecstasy off .
14 On return of this document , the participant named overleaf , will automatically be registered as an entrant in the Ultimate Prize Draw , with six changes to win the first prize jackpot of £50,000 .
15 But while the latter was hobnobbing with John Stuart Mill and publishing treatises on English grammar , the former was modifying a system of synchronised electric clocks to make the first fax machine .
16 This year sees the centenary of Peter Rabbit and since Wedgwood already dominates this characterware market segment the company has added a special range of items to celebrate the first appearance of Beatrix Potter 's famous character .
17 A Mr Portier was offered five guineas to translate the first part of the Professor 's lectures on ‘ The Bones ’ .
18 Ann , made of sterner stuff than I , refused all invitations to have the first cast and eventually , crouching below the skyline , I reached the appointed place .
19 The 46-year-old Arkansas Governor stormed to a series of victories to become the first Democrat in the White House since the departure of Jimmy Carter in 1980 .
20 Sweepers raked the dirt and dung away from the front of stalls ; a muezzin called from the minaret of a nearby mosque ; chai wallahs pulled their blankets closer around them and lit their burners to boil the first tea saucepan of the day .
21 I desire you will send by y bearer 2 quarts of Sugar Hotspur peas to set the first crop , & half a peck of Windsor Beans , & pray bring y Hammer with you w .
22 Start by laying the weaving yarn over a small amount of needles , then gradually increase the amount of weaving to the centre front before decreasing the length of the rows to match the first half .
23 Any attempts to explain the first map without the controls indicated on the second would be nonsensical .
24 But they gave opportunities for the advancement of town planning , facilitating consultancy work and ( so ably fostered by Pepler ) encouraging individual local authorities to take the first steps in scheme preparation in their own areas .
25 VAT rules are threatening a valuable scheme that helps people on unemployment and other benefits to get the first foot on the ladder to running their own businesses .
26 There was a bid by Banbury School to opt out of local control , and in a poll among the parents sixty two percent voted against the Governor 's proposals to become the first school in Oxfordshire to leave County Council control .
27 The theatre also offers the chance for singers and players who are starting out on their careers to make a first impression .
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