Example sentences of "[noun pl] [to-vb] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Second division , Swansea away in the cup was never going to be an easy ticket for Oxford , but when Nick Cusack scored with just over 10 minutes to go at the Vetch Field , United looked a good bet for the 4th round .
2 A mob of young Catholics was waiting at Cromac Square , armed with a good supply of bricks and metal objects to hurl at the marchers .
3 Nuadu had said that the Robemaker and CuRoi took sacrifices from the ordinary people of Ireland ; strong young sons to work at the Looms , although presumably they would not actually do this work themselves .
4 In a nation with more than 3 million unemployed , many skilled youngsters would give their proverbial eyes and ears to work at the Rutherford-Appleton .
5 Talbot and Van Gelder looked at each other in silence , then bent forward over Theodore 's shoulders to look at the figures he had added up .
6 She told him she was too busy to attend to the matter , whilst the guests gave up all pretence of looking at the pictures to stare at the intruder .
7 Suddenly the girl raised her immense grey eyes to look at the gardener .
8 The Institute 's Education & Training Directorate and the General Practitioner Board have been watching the falling numbers of students training in small firms with deep concern and both have set up working parties to look at the problems .
9 Tickets for the whole event are on sale , price £10.00 , from the box-office of the Empire Leicester Square , and we have pairs of free tickets for the first five readers to arrive at the cinema on Sunday morning bearing a copy of The Independent .
10 In the higher primates these possibilities can already be seen emerging as actualities when chimpanzees use twigs to get at the occupants of a termite-mound , or wave branches to scare off leopards .
11 Little seemed in Mrs Whitehouse 's eyes to change at the BBC and , in early 1964 , the Corporation 's Charter was renewed for a further twelve years without any of the additional ‘ safeguards ’ that Mrs Whitehouse would have liked to have seen written in .
12 Inevitably this assault had to mean trouble for some of their own folk , since they must drive through the outer ring of Scots to get at the enemy — the cost which had caused Ramsay momentarily to hesitate .
13 She turned her head slightly , opening her eyes to gaze at the firm , tanned hands clasping the wheel of the super-charged sports car that Ross had hired earlier that afternoon .
14 If the partners unanimously or by a prescribed majority feel that one of their number should no longer remain with the firm they are given power to require him to retire at the end of a period of notice , typically six months or not less than six months to expire at the end of the firm 's accounting year .
15 It is hoped that Rambert will be one of the first companies to appear at the Festival Theatre when it opens next year , by which time Christopher Bruce will have taken over as artistic director of the company with which he used to be a leading dancer and choreographer .
16 I began 1982 with a series of visits to look at the issues which were facing the health service .
17 As the level of county commitment to social education lessens it would seem to be a time for us as members of local parish , town and diocesan communities to look at the priority given to such work with our own young people .
18 It characterises movers and movements to look at the propensity and timing of moves in relation to some of the social and demographic factors underlying geographic movement .
19 When he removed the crates to get at the tarpaulin he realized it was covering something , further stimulating his interest .
20 One of the main problems of timber-framed is the tendency of oak posts to rot at the bottom .
21 But before the meeting could commence a group of young demonstrators attempted to break through the police lines to get at the counter-demonstrators , who were jeering , shouting slogans and singing party songs .
22 COMMUTERS stood on tracks disrupting London-bound trains yesterday in protest at British Rail 's ‘ scorched earth ’ policy for eliminating the perennial problem of leaves on the line More than 50 people at Carshalton , Surrey , swapped season tickets for placards to protest at the transformation of leafy tracksides into what one called a ‘ scene from Apocalypse Now ’ , the film about the Vietnam war which showed the effects of mass defoliation with napalm .
23 The taxman ought to require companies to reveal at the end of each tax year how much each company car insured for private use has cost them in depreciation , insurance , servicing and fuel .
24 Smallfry walked with him all the way to the playground , where the other children bunched together in little groups to stare at the absentee and his beautiful mother .
25 Regional health authority officers insist they have no immediate plans to look at the possibility of merging districts .
26 The final chapter , called ‘ Power in Focus ’ , attempts to look at the way the caring professions are continuing to develop .
27 The patient complained of pain to a scar on her leg which she had cut 18 mths previously and which had taken 6 weeks to heal at the time .
28 The tragic musical story of a group of viciously exploited young men who rode the back of the drug-frenzied rock-shag monster for two full years to emerge at the end bruised and bloody and battered but changed — changed from grubby little knobsessed small-town caterpillars into beautiful , brilliantly SPIRITUAL butterflies .
29 Nostalgia for secret quests , obsessions , purity , past promises to keep at the expense of present obligations , these should be confined to the realm of fiction , I thought .
30 With the Tunnel , you can commute to the City from France faster than from , say , Wiltshire or Dorset — which are the in places to live at the moment .
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