Example sentences of "[noun pl] [to-vb] at [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I have absolutely no plans to retire at any time . ’
2 television are obviously having trouble rousing experts to appear at ungodly hours to comment on the morning 's news .
3 When he announced he would retire from the game at the end of Biarritz 's run in the Championship it was the signal for scores of journalists to gather at each match to report on his ‘ funeral ’ … but we kept postponing it ’ .
4 First , despite a brave attempt to encourage candidates to stand at last week 's annual general meeting , the council remains grossly under-represented .
5 The curriculum provides many opportunities to look at current work and organisational problems .
6 It is understandable for our staff in the offices to look at such claims in a different way from that of someone who comes in off the street .
7 These could be controlled by the driver , on either side , enabling the cars to load at central islands , as envisaged on the Lytham Road route before it was conventionally relaid in 1936 .
8 Langton could also play snooker despite his disability , and negotiated 35 steps to play at one club , Preston Crown Court heard .
9 It 's only natural for defeated parties to grab at such explanations , but there are some reasons for believing that the result of the general election in Scotland owed more to Conservative skill at exploiting the mechanics of registration and demography than to any ‘ principled ’ decision-making by voters .
10 The readiness of Scots to migrate at this period has prompted suggestions that there were forces inherent in Scottish society which encouraged high levels of mobility and a propensity to migrate , but this has yet to be shown .
11 Such a client pool could best be exploited by setting up sales within the country rather than wooing clients to bid at international level , which is currently their approach in Korea , another target area in their long-term world-wide strategy .
12 Use a variety and put it in more than one spot , if you have space , to allow more birds to feed at one time .
13 Phoned all day , he said , you 'd better get the engineers to look at that telephone of yours .
14 Each operating region is visited once every three months and in between , he visits other countries to look at specific projects .
15 We 've then got two areas to look at national curricular levels and general skills and abilities .
16 Walt Disney once revealed that his key discovery , making it possible to animate his Mickey Mouse and other cinematograph drawings , was not the technique of hinging and synchronising the limbs to move at 24 frames per second .
17 Encourage engineers to speak at public meetings , discussions , seminars and conferences to promote public awareness of risk issues .
18 The technique was made possible by the use of the scanning tunnelling microscope which allows researchers to look at individual atoms on a surface .
19 It holds ‘ blitz ’ evenings where couples have under five minutes to look at each other before fixing up dates .
20 For groups to function at this level , opportunity has to be given for full social contact between members , and the emphasis has to be placed not on activity , but on group interaction .
21 The governing body will almost certainly need to set up sub-committees or working groups to look at different aspects of the school 's development .
22 Captain Edward Tupper made attempts to organise at various fishing ports from April 1910 , and claimed a fishing membership of 5,000 for the NSFU in 1919 which appears not to have survived the post-war depression .
23 Market gardeners often use artificial light and dark cloths to adjust the length of the night and so persuade plants to flower at unnatural times of the year .
24 The inflation rate has fallen to its lowest in twenty-five years to stand at one point seven per cent .
25 Involving all relevant functions in discussion and decision lays many misconceptions to rest at all levels and generates a helpful commitment to the system .
26 He felt he should be watching the road from behind the curtains , waiting for the badmen to arrive at High Noon , while in the background a voice intoned ‘ Do not forsake me , o my darling ’ .
27 Recent attempts by psychologists to arrive at psychological tests which identify desirable characteristics in candidates has had only limited success .
28 We have , therefore , two possibilities to offer at this stage of our thinking : a simultaneous approach offering a mixture of BSL and English presented concurrently by teacher and pupil , or a bilingual approach where both BSL and English are accepted and used as separate languages .
29 This device should more accurately be described as a freewheel , the intent of which is to allow the blades to rotate at high speed while the motor is idling or stopped .
30 But whether you use a computer or not there are three principles to remember at all times : a ) Keep your filing up to date .
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