Example sentences of "[noun pl] [to-vb] [art] [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , while the process of electing a national president went smoothly , state party elections revealed high levels of factionalism within the BJP and led to the intervention of the central leadership in attempts to restore a greater semblance of unity to the party .
2 The only constraint on attempts to acquire a larger budget is that it would cost more than the total value to the politicians of the service , the value of additional output being zero .
3 AFTER a pre-tax loss rising last year from £4.7 million to £41.1 million , Clyde Petroleum yesterday asked its shareholders to provide a further £34.1 million through a one-for-four rights issue .
4 Recognise that spelling has patterns , and begin to apply their knowledge of those patterns in their attempts to spell a wider range of words .
5 Moreover , people in personal crisis are not very effective at making their needs felt in socially acceptable ways ; they do not organize themselves into consumer pressure groups to demand a better deal , not at least until they are recovered from their own crisis .
6 The GAO is concerned about the increased use of antibiotics to treat the higher incidence of mastitis in cows which have been fed with BST .
7 In addition use will be made of the 1981 Census Small Area Statistics and data from the National On-Line Manpower Information System to construct neighbourhood demographic and socio-economic variables to enable a richer analysis of the national surveys to be undertaken .
8 There are day trips to explore the Wilder Kaiser area ; trips to the Krimml Waterfalls and the Berchtesgaden salt mines .
9 We are the descendants of all those generations that emigrated out of Europe over the last three centuries to populate the emptier quarters of the earth .
10 The help of an occupational therapist may be needed to recommend aids and adaptations to help the older person .
11 A key response of governments in Europe to the perceived fiscal crisis of the mid-1970s was to adopt strategies which would restrain state expenditure , switch payment for utilities from taxation to consumer charging , and allow the private and voluntary sectors to play a larger role in the provision of transport , education and welfare services .
12 Although the tournament was based on a knock-out scenario , the final positions are based on league performances to give a fairer reflection .
13 This allowed the AP1-88 's designers to use a heavier structure .
14 The direction for research generated by this formulation of the issues would be a comparison of working class and middle class clients to demonstrate the greater vulnerability of the former .
15 Future developments in the use of microcomputers including applications such as the use of expert systems , compact and video disks , electronic publishing and interactive video will be discussed in Chapter 10 and allow those starting to use microcomputers in schools to have a wider view of potential applications .
16 Checking that the straps on her equipment were tight enough to prevent anything moving and making a noise that might alert anyone nearby , Ace slipped through a stand of bushes to get a better view of the road .
17 Daisy watched an expectant Trace Coley re-arranging her Panama in the driving mirror of her father 's Rolls as Brigadier Canford put on his spectacles to have a better look .
18 The Agent has , therefore , decided to encourage Great Indian Peninsula railwaymen to take a greater interest in such matters by the institution of a competition under the rules of which first , second and third prizes of Rs. 150 , Rs. 100 and Rs. 50 respectively will be awarded annually for the best station platform gardens and premises .
19 Here he urges Scots to wake up and fight to protect a fragile yet valuable asset Telling Scots to take a stronger line : Chapman Pincher is incensed by English-based drift-netting .
20 Dogs , for example , and many mammals , rely heavily on their noses for close-range perception using their eyes to scan the wider horizons .
21 They contain background information to help engineers and all interested parties to gain a fuller understanding of the Code and how it can be implemented .
22 Now , in the last decade of the century , we have an opportunity through our European institutions to create a wider prosperity and a more lasting peace for all the peoples and all the countries of Europe .
23 But because a given change in performance has less effect on fitness later in life , we expect deleterious mutations to cause a greater drop in fertility and survival probability later in life , assuming the same mutation rate for each age .
24 Extra funds will allow the council to press ahead with plans to create a better attraction and secure the museum 's future .
25 To this end their policy has been aimed at creating a greater diversification of supply bringing in housing associations and private builders to create a greater choice and , according to the Conservatives , value for tenants .
26 They hoped to lubricate this process by issuing an action guide for pedestrians , described as a ‘ tool kit , to give people the means and the skills to create a better environment . ’
27 What the ILP leaders failed to realise was that their party lacked the internal discipline of the Communist Party and would inevitably succumb to organized attempts by the Communists to disrupt the larger organization .
28 Should we help blues singers to find a wider audience , outside the coloured quarters of Southern towns , or should we leave them where they are , that the blues may thrive ?
29 In the latter case , rural consumers were also typically charged higher prices , since the pressure from the local voters and ratepayers in the town was usually effective in curbing any idea of subsidy to the rural areas to meet the higher costs of supply .
30 Provided sufficient funds are available or can be easily recovered in order to meet unexpected claims , this pool of funds can be invested in earning assets by the companies to provide a further source of income .
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