Example sentences of "[noun pl] [to-vb] [prep] that [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They are a crucial step on the road to democracy , but there are a lot of steps to go down that road yet .
2 It it 's obviously wrong that where they have had access , lawful or otherwise , that the that they should n't be interfering with the rights and the ability of the walkers to walk along that route .
3 We have taken significant steps to deal with that problem .
4 They have professional obligations to engage in that kind of scholarly work ; and , in that sense , be right up against the ‘ frontiers ’ .
5 Phoned all day , he said , you 'd better get the engineers to look at that telephone of yours .
6 This may be true , but there are other offences to deal with that aspect , and , in any case , violence in private raises the same issues of physical integrity and self-determination .
7 In northern Iraq , we have used British troops to help in that situation .
8 The advantages to the supplier of having prompt payment outweigh the cost of providing this discount , as well as offering an incentive to retailers to trade with that supplier .
9 What happens if we 've got an emergency situation and how come when you got about three or four different authorities to deal with that matter and the other thing that has been said people said it to me , the question of building and in some parts of West Sussex we 've got concrete jungles and that itself can cause flooding because water does n't drain would do through natural resources through its natural well drain away .
10 If Picon has his way , the statue will be a sign of things to come in that department : expansion of gallery space , conservation and display of long-unseen areas of the museum 's collection and an ambitious schedule of special exhibitions .
11 Forbearance in the overseas country would be equally relevant to a grant to another Hong Kong company of rights to exhibit in that country — a situation which could hardly escape the operation of section 14 .
12 On the other hand , when the amount produced is such that the demand price is less than the supply price , sellers receive less than is sufficient to make it worth their while to bring goods to market on that scale ; so that those who were just on the margin of doubt as to whether to go on producing are decided not to do so , and there is an active force at work tending to diminish the amount brought forward for sale .
13 When therefore the amount produced ( in a unit of time ) is such that the demand price is greater than the supply price , then sellers receive more than is sufficient to make it worth their while to bring goods to market to that amount ; and there is at work an active force tending to increase the amount brought forward for sale .
14 If he had one trait of potential consequence it was his fondness for France , which led him to encourage efforts to ally with that country , but the international situation made these futile during his lifetime .
15 Candidates must be on the party 's national list of approved candidates and require the endorsement of one of the party 's regional committees to get on that list .
16 Much of this research has been done by TV advertising agencies and TV organizations themselves — so we can only assume that they have used it to shape their programs to appeal to that level of consciousness .
17 Are you satisfied that you 've done enough examination of your existing towns and villages to come to that conclusion ?
18 Gordon Hay says , ‘ Both Stoddard and Sekers have individually secured solid design led market positions and together as Stoddard Sekers International , we will continue to rely on the quality of our products , progressive management , and strong financial controls to build upon that success .
19 ‘ As far as we could find out , he 's got no plans to expand in that area , Ray , ’ Hitch said , sipping his drink .
20 Students who drop out or who fail their college courses are often those who failed to come to terms quickly with their new environment and to make the necessary personal adjustments to fit into that environment .
21 And I hope that John Major and central office of the Conservative Party study it carefully since it is about party democracy and the Conservative party have a few lessons to learn in that direction .
22 Successful students study in a variety of different ways , most of them equally valid and effective — so it would be presumptuous or simply wrong to recommend any one proven pattern of study ha bits and tell all students to conform to that pattern .
23 The difficulty that has arisen — and one of the obstacles to progress in that area — is that there has been doubt about the law .
24 Erm Three squares to the centimetre and we 've got twenty five yeah so we 'll get erm we 'll get fifty on fifty squares so twenty five engines to fit along that space of fifty .
25 Today I 've been thinking to myself , I 've only got the sleeves to put in that dress — when am I going to have the time to do it' ?
26 Indeed , at that very moment , Robertson , who had spent the morning since his release drinking black Nescafe in an attempt to clear his head , was handing out drafts of speeches which he wished his mates to make in that debate .
27 well my wife 's in the rag trade and this morning she 's got er , a fashion show starting , and I 'll bet you , I do n't know this , but I 'll bet you at least two of her manufacturers will have sent her samples to put in that show which probably will arrive at nine o'clock this morning .
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