Example sentences of "[noun pl] [to-vb] [prep] the world " in BNC.

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1 Expert systems are the first commercial products to come from the world of Artificial Intelligence research .
2 It is also a chance for home-grown designers to sell to the world .
3 Welcome back : Thousands of teenagers will be packing their rucksacks to travel around the world this summer , and get away from the stress of exams .
4 A CRUCIAL partnership , which motivates inner city youngsters to succeed in the world of work , was strengthened yesterday .
5 Danie Visser took the opportunity of his selection to South Africa 's first Davis Cup team to be announced since 1978 , to protest that they have been placed in the bottom Group , so that it will take them at least three years to qualify for the World Group .
6 This , then is the state of affairs which Rigoberta Menchu has been trying for the past 11 years to bring to the world 's attention — an almost impossible task , given the fact that for most of that time the international press found Nicaragua and El Salvador much more diverting .
7 The charitable world as a whole , as I 'm sure many of you know , has been severely hit by the recession er our donations received this year are dramatically down on last year 's and we operate on a shoestring but the provision of teams to go round the world , the provision of training , even with all the help we get from the R Y A still costs a lot of money .
8 Probably she would have a good few stories to tell about the world they had come from .
9 There are 800 professionals round the world now compared with the days 20 years ago when they struggled to find enough pros to compete for the world championship .
10 The decision made by the UK Cross-Country Commission to adopt the new date of March 9 sparked controversy among athletes and officials , since it would leave only two weeks for selected athletes to prepare for the World Championships in Antwerp .
11 But he admits that the UK Championship is the most attractive title for players to win after the World Championships .
12 The enlargement of the EEC to include Sweden , Finland , Austria and Switzerland can only have the effect of lowering the common denominator still further , and of weakening the position of those states which still have national interests to pursue in the world .
13 The Faculty works very closely with the wider community , and courses provide opportunities for students to relate to the world of work and professional practice .
14 What beckons me forward is a faith in God 's Hand in history , the conviction that He means these lands to speak to the world with an answer , and the decision to support in any way I can those — black , brown and white — in whose lives I see God 's power working .
15 ‘ My mother used this romantic outlook as a strength on occasions to escape from the world .
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