Example sentences of "[noun pl] [to-vb] [pron] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The reduction was intended not only to save central government expenditure but also to put pressure on local authorities to curb their own spending by increasing the local cost thus making the expenditure more ‘ visible ’ to both councillors and the electorate .
2 It was normal for large houses to carry their own petrol pumps and fire appliances .
3 The scope for member states to promote their own culture through funds and subsidies remains .
4 The Church of Ireland rejoined in 1860 , because it lacked funds to continue its own system .
5 The spectacle is intended for her too as part of the audience , but she can not become a pair of eyes to view her own humiliation .
6 As was his custom , Sukarno adapted Nehru 's actual words to reflect his own hostility to the Dutch and his growing admiration for Japan .
7 Among the best were those which posed questions and encouraged individual schools to evaluate their own practice , eg
8 It would have been impossible to predict the way events developed after October 1917 , and the policy of the Party seemed on numerous grounds to be the most sensible , the only one which went some way to reconciling the need for large economic units ( which , rightly or wrongly , was assumed to be decisive for material progress ) and for democracy , understood as the right of peoples to choose their own State .
9 Pupils will appreciate the distinctive elements of period music , if they are given opportunities to create their own music using elements/themes , rhythms from earlier music .
10 Since almost all those on death row come from impoverished backgrounds they lack the funds to hire their own attorney and will be appointed counsel by the Court .
11 In a separate Commons debate on the Disability ( Grants ) Bill , which brings in the two new independent living funds , Scott was asked whether local authorities could provide cash for clients to buy their own care .
12 tutors to do their own thing ?
13 As mayors , local authorities , government agencies , and social workers made their moves , so there was every incentive for the showmen to put their own house in order .
14 France still wanted EURATOM more than she wanted a common market , and in September 1956 caused a new crisis in the negotiations , with various demands to ease her own position in a six-power customs union .
15 However , despite some lip-service to the rights of schools to determine their own curriculum , on the whole those who argue against centralist control of schools do so not so much on grounds of loss of freedom for schools as on grounds of the consequent loss of local power .
16 However , the final resolutions addressed to the Colonial powers and the colonised peoples provided an agenda for action : ‘ We demand for Black Africa autonomy and independence ’ ; ‘ We affirm the right of all colonial peoples to control their own destiny .
17 The CML disputed that lenders had in recent years relied on the availability of cover under the Compensation and Indemnity Funds to relax their own business practices , and claimed that lenders were largely responding to public demands for more streamlined conveyancing procedures .
18 But some children , either through their experience of using tantrums to get their own way or through general strong will and temperament , will take a lot of teaching and repeated experiences to realize finally that they can not always get their own way .
19 One woman had used tears and tantrums to get her own way in every conflict with her husband .
20 But if students are to be encouraged to weigh things up for themselves , to form their own views , and to articulate them with their own reasons , then it is also incumbent on their lecturers and tutors to offer their own truth claims to their students in the spirit of ‘ this is so , is n't it ? ’ ( to use again Leavis ' central question ) .
21 In anomie theory the impetus that pushes people into crime is that the ambitions for status and pecuniary success that they share with everyone else are thwarted by the restrictions on the opportunities to achieve them that result from low socio-economic status .
22 On Monday , May 31 , and Tuesday , June 1 there will be pottery workshops where visitors will be able to use genuine Roman techniques and designs to make their own Ante-fix ( and to find out what an Ante-fix is you will have to go along ) .
23 He has compiled a set of seven easy-to-follow steps to construct your own tank .
24 But the EC Commission doubted America could provide a global standard , even though Europe 's attempts to set its own standard are mired .
25 Noting that Communists were either sharing power or had lost it in several countries , he promised Moscow would not interfere in the internal affairs of any east European nation , since it believed in the free right of all states to choose their own system .
26 Lewis and Ruddock , egged on by Holyfield 's camp which wanted one of them removed from their man 's path , were courageous enough to buck the cosy cartel of challengers-in-waiting to set their own agenda .
27 Erm first , first of all erm Sue has , has just er reminded me that the , the government is , is considering the matter of planning application fees and we understand that there could be some proposals which erm modify the way in which er those fees are set and may give a greater erm autonomy to local authorities to set their own level of fees , in order to allow them to erm recoup erm more of or perhaps even all of the costs of operating the service , but that is something that 's er definitely for the future er and er is , is not entirely .
28 Regrettably , the Court of Appeal has no power in such cases to substitute its own award of damages , and the parties were sent away to face the expensive prospect of a fresh trial , which they avoided by agreeing that the damages should be £60,000 .
29 UK companies to monitor their own pollution
30 This provoked the Church Commissioners to mount their own exhibition to counter some of the criticism voiced in the SAVE exhibition , and this was sent on a tour of cathedrals .
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