Example sentences of "[noun pl] [to-vb] [pron] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Pyramid Texts are concerned with the eternal life of the god-king and with the necessary rituals to enable him to join the gods and to travel in the boat of Re .
2 Presumably there are adaptive strategies to enable us to endure the unendurable .
3 These included raising the age of consent to eighteen , abolishing the notorious ‘ escape clause ’ ( allowing male defendants in assault cases to claim they believed the girl to be over sixteen ) , extending the time limit for prosecutions and criminalizing incest and male importuning .
4 Section by section it was being revised in the commissions and then approved during the general congregations — despite last-minute attempts to modify it to contain an explicit condemnation of communism .
5 Since it may take many hours to establish what influences the activity of a single cell , this is a far from trivial issue .
6 It is important to us to maintain and seek to improve those ratings to enable us to minimise the cost of our borrowings .
7 The government is now devising methods to enable them to use the welfare state to control people and make them tow the line .
8 It is the document which can be viewed by our existing and prospective clients to enable them to gain an insight into our quality system .
9 HOTECH 91 , the technology exhibition for the industry , offers the solutions to help you run a better business .
10 What support might be offered to schools to help them analyse the needs of pupils and develop programmes to meet those needs ?
11 We 've also chosen a great collection of great curly styles to help you find the look you want .
12 Administrators may have guidelines to help them to interpret a broadly worded statute , the application of which should not in itself constitute bias .
13 TODAY The Scotsman , together with EuroInfo Centre , is launching a new information service Doing Business in Europe for business readers to help them to exploit the single market .
14 Compares the use of three different sets of formulae to determine which provides the best model to employ for bigram and trigram models .
15 Suppose , however , we take active steps to determine which slit the electron traversed .
16 When this is the case , pre-meeting briefing of supporters to get them to ask the right questions ( ones that you can answer well ) and to t ring in relevant information and viewpoints is essential .
17 Ashamed of having frightened me , he looked at me sweetly and began to sing Italian songs to make me forget the incident ’ .
18 ‘ It seems that an evil wizard from a land across the sea has filled your palace with evil creatures and hideous traps to prevent you showing the sceptre at noon today .
19 He waited until their faces reached a satisfactory degree of indignation then , over the next half hour , his low north-country voice spun out a story which revealed that political interests in the United States had channelled money through MacQuillan 's companies to enable him to acquire the Post ( or any other major British newspaper which came on the market and could be turned into a propaganda tool ) .
20 I did n't want my parents to know I had a boyfriend : they would not have approved because they would have felt I was too young .
21 POLICE are appealing for shopkeepers to help them trace an axe and a sledgehammer thought to be the weapons used in the murder of Liverpool couple Jean Larkin and Garry Pettitt .
22 Perhaps surprisingly , the methods of modern-day actuarial statistics , where ‘ lifetables ’ are constructed on behalf of insurance companies to help them estimate the probable lifespans of various classes of individual , have come to our aid in this project .
23 Some const constructive criticisms to help us rationalize the college visits .
24 We have also arranged optional excursions to help you enjoy the best this region can offer .
25 John Smith , the shadow Chancellor , said last night : ‘ What he does n't seem to realise is that interest rates mean that it will be much harder for industry to get on its feet to help us overcome the balance of payments deficit .
26 Simplicity There is no need for countries to decide what constitutes the appropriate exchange rate or for their general agreement on whether deficit or surplus countries are responsible for the adjustment burden .
27 In the Summer Term of 1989 the LEA published and distributed a short booklet ( Leeds City Council 1989e ) which was ‘ intended to help parents to appreciate what constitutes the best primary school practice and also to highlight aspects of education that the Authority wishes to promote ’ .
28 It was further agreed that Joe McGhee be asked to write to the association of Chaplains to invite them to send a representative .
29 The Third Fairy dances slowly sur les pointes and uses conventional hand movements to show she brings the gift of Plenty , just as the godmother at a Russian christening scatters breadcrumbs over the cradle .
30 The course is designed ‘ to equip pupils with the knowledge and skills to help them understand the economic aspects of their own lives and the world in which they live ’ .
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